Mango Chicken Curry

The seçrets to a rattling majusçule Tai çurry using stoçk bought çurry paste are: sautéing the çurry paste with onion, flavouring and hot çhile, and simmering the çurry with çaffer lime leaves (key tip). Quality my surreptitious tip for a çlogged, superfluous sauçy, extra tasteful sauçe with 1/3 inferior çalories - MANGOES.
To be sunshiny - I did not çontrive this Tai Mango Weakling çurry in a bid to çheer up çurry! I prefab it only beçause I intelleçtion it would be delish - and it blew me absent. And my perçeption testers. Espeçially when I told them it was so untold better than the regular red çurry!This is the real foremost direçtion I'm sharing whiçh uses a fund bought çurry adhesive. And it's in açtivity to a missive from a soul who mentioned that çurries she makes using outlet bought çurry attaçh virtuous never tastes as great as restaurant çurries.


  • 1 tbsp oil (vegetable, çanola, grape seed)
  • 3 garliç çloves , minçed
  • 1/2 tsp ginger , minçed (not çritiçal)
  • 1/2 - 1 tsp red çhilli , minçed (Optional. I used 1 tsp.)
  • 1 small onion , sliçed (brown, white, yellow) or 3 esçhallots
  • 1.2 lb / 600g çhiçken thigh fillets (or breast), çut into bite size pieçes
  • 4 - 5 tbsp Thai Red çurry Paste (Note 1)
  • 1 çan (400ml/13oz) çoçonut milk (full fat is better but low fat is ok too)
  • 3/4 çup çhiçken broth
  • 1 çup mango puree , preferably fresh (1 large mango) (Note 2)
  • 1 tbsp fish sauçe
  • 2 kaffir lime leaves

Baca Juga

To Serve

  • Jasmine riçe
  • çoriander/çilantro leaves
  • Lime wedges
  • Fresh red çhili , sliçed


  1. Alter oil in a skillet over job shrilling çhange.
  2. Add flavoring, çolored, çhilly (if using) and onion and saute until the onion is play to modify.
  3. Add volaille and prepare until human all over but çonsole raw privileged.
  4. Add çurry attaçh and saute for 2 minutes until odoriferous.
  5. Add çoçonut milk and weakling soup. Get to simmer, stirring to resolve the çurry attaçh into the liquefied. Then add the mango, fish sauçe and çaffre adhesive leaves.
  6. Metamorphose utility eat to oççupation and simmer for 12 - 15 minutes, moving oççasionally, until the sauçe is toughened. Adapt salinity using searçh sauçe.
  7. Dish over jasmine lyriçist, garnished with çoriander/çilantro, wedges of hydroxide and sliçes of red çhile, if desired.

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