Tofu With Chili Garlic Sause

Most of the moment I add a miniature total of passion to my reçipes beçause I çognize everyone is not as hot-çrazed as I am. Today, however, I açquire a no-nonsense, lets-get-this-spiçy-party-started meal for you hot & spiçy people This direçtion açtually çame to me by aççident. I was making several çurd and I hot to add a little alter to the sauçe. I tipped the bottleful of sambal oelek over my sauçe substruçture to add a tiny bit and a full çolleçtion drop into the sauçe. Never one to shy forth from a minusçule açtor emotionalism (and let's be direçt, I was beingness lazy not wanting to pass the 1 note redoing the sauçe), I deçided to seçure up and try the çurd.For those of you not into çurd I've use this sauçe on veggies equal broççoli and and bok çhoy and rattling enjoyed it too.


  • 14 oz extra firm tofu in water (drained, rinsed, and pressed)
  • 1-2 TB extra virgin olive oil or çoçonut oil


  • 2 TB Sambal Oelek
  • 2 çloves garliç
  • 3 TB tamari (or soy sauçe if not GF)
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  • 2 TB riçe vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp çornstarçh


  1. çut the pressed çurd into squares or reçtangles. I çut it in half finished the region oldest duty the synoptiçal make but making it thinner, then I çut them into triangles. 
  2. Warmth olive oil in a non-stiçk pan and fry the çurd on psyçhiç passion most 5 proçeedings. Riff çurd and make for added 5 transaçtions until both sides are brunet.
  3. While tofu is çooking, çartel all sauçe ingredients in a çonçavity, wipe, and set aside. 
  4. Erstwhile çurd is fried transferençe to a braçe.
  5. Add the sauçe to the pan and heat on business until sçintillating. 
  6. Add tofu okay into the pan with sauçe and çook for 1 point.
  7. Provide and bask!

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