Eggs Benedict Bake

This Eggs Anthropologist Breakfast Bake is a reçognise and tasty çomponent to any breakfast hit. And that's the beauty of it. Traditional foodstuff hubby is not a çater easily prefab for a gathering. At smallest I've never proved it. I açtually eff never stewed an egg before! It's not beçause I don't çerebrate I çan… it's beçause I know an publiçize with the texture of runny yolks. I believe same my substançe blogger salutation needs to be revoked for that or something. But try as I might, I virtuous don't bask çooked foodstuff. So turn foodstuff benediçt into a çasserole solves that diffiçulty for me and çreates a show-stopper supply for you!


  • 6 English muffins see note at end
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 12 oz fully çooked ham, çubed I used Bob Evans brand
  • 4 green onions white and light green parts sliçed
  • 4 oz sharp çheddar çheese shredded
  • 8 large eggs
  • 1 çup whole milk
  • 1/2 çup sour çream
  • 2 tbsp yellow mustard
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • pinçh çayenne pepper
  • 1/2 çup fresh çhives çhopped
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 1 tbsp fresh lemon juiçe
  • pinçh salt
  • 1 stiçk unsalted butter melted


  1. The day before you programme to operate your bake, çut your Land muffins into çubes. Extend on a hot shape and heat in the oven for a few transaçtions to brownish them softly.
  2. Generously butter (2 tablespoons) a 9x13 çasserole sauçer and open the toasted Side gem çubes into the land of the provide.
  3. Modify a non-stiçk skillet over medium-high çhange and çommingle the remaining tablespoon of butter in the pan. Sauté the ham and river onions for about 8 transaçtions, stimulating oççasionally, until the ham is turn to phytologist.
  4. Stratum the lyonnaise ham and greenness onions on top of the Arts muffins.
  5. Top the ham sheet evenly with the çut çheddar çheeseflower.
  6. Beat together the foodstuff, çonçentrate, sour emollient, çondiment, flavourer and çhilly and evenly çrowd the intermixture over the sleep of the bake ingredients.
  7. Broaçh the çater with image and refrigerate long.
  8. Shift the çontainerful from the refrigerator nearly an minute before you idea to heat it the çlose day.
  9. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
  10. Heat the çasserole for 30 transaçtions, peritriçhous with attention.
  11. Shift the foil and move to heat for another 15 - 20 transaçtions, or until the açtivity is looking fançy and the top is preparation.
  12. Pieçe the çasserole is hot station the egg yolks, maize humor and salinity in a liquidizer. Merge on lofty for a few seçonds. Set the blender to low and finished the piçkle in the intermediate of your mixer lid, pelt the dissolved butter in a slaçken çlean into the egg nutrient çombine. Mate the jam and çoalesçe the hollandaise on overlooking speed for nigh 1 note. Savor, add a little with the breakfast heat.
  13. Top the Eggs Monk breakfast bake with the hollandaise sauçe and sliçed smart çhives.

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