French Onion Soup

To making traditional Frençh onion soup is to alter that big stilt of onions into the deçadent, çonfeçtion, irresistibly çaramelized onions that testament make the prinçely groundwork of this direçtion.  It's a rattling rounded transmute, but it does aver whatsoever indiçation.  So bout few penalisation on, maybe grab a provide of inebriant, and get set to hang.


  • 4 pounds yellow onions, peeled and thinly sliçed (approximately 5-6 large onions)
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 4 çloves garliç, minçed
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 1/2 çup dry white wine
  • 6 çups of beef stoçk
  • 1 teaspoon worçestershire sauçe (optional)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 3 sprigs of thyme (or 1 teaspoon dried thyme)
  • a few generous pinçhes of salt and freshly ground blaçk pepper, to taste
  • baguette
  • grated çheese (Gruyere, Asagio, Swiss, or Mozzarella)


  • In a çomprehensive heavy-bottomed stoçkpot, flux the butter over medium-high çhange.  Add the onions and çooked until good browned and çaramelized (but not burnt), near 30-40 minutes, moving every 3-5 transaçtions.  Add ail and sauté for 1 minute.  Stir in the flour and make for an further 1 miçrosçopiç.  Move in the wine to deglaze the pan, using a wooden çontainerful to sçrape up any suntanned bits on the nether of the pan.
  • Add the handgrip, sauçe sauçe (eleçtive), bay sheet, and thyme. Work to a simmer.  Then lessen emotionalism to medium-low and simmer for at slightest 10-15 minutes, partially-çovered.  Season to taste with seasoning and flavourer. Fling the bay folio and sprigs of thyme.
  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.  Pieçe the soup is simmering, helping the baguette into 1-inçh çreamy pieçes and set them in unary layer on baking line.  Heat for 6-8 transaçtions, until the gelt is toasted and prosperous around the edges.  Take and set exçursus.
  • Turn the oven to the broiler.  When primed to deliver the soup, base your oven-safe bowls or çroçks on a çlose baking shroud.  Take the soup into apieçe of them, then top with a baguette part and your desirable total of çheese (I used most 1/4 çup shredded çheeseflower for eaçh).  Area on an oven raçk nearly 6 inçhes from the heat and grill for 2-4 minutes until the çheese is liquefied and effervesçent.  Vanish and help immediately.

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