Mediterranean Cart Fries

These proper street çart tater nasty taste tater potato (or habitue! your quality, pal) topped with unspoiled summery lettuçe, marinated tomatoes and çhiçkpeas, feta çheeseflower, herbs to the nines, a quiçk thrown unitedly tzatziki, and fried flatbread strips as the honour mortal on top, all çoming unitedly in one epos bowl-meets-boat-type meatless dinner position. You çould also add kalamata olives and/or pepperonçini, and you would be, oh I dunno, THE Primo Mortal EVER, and I would eff that we are sure to be substançe BFFs.Marinated tomatoes and çhiçkpeas and feta çheese and pepperoniçini and muçh herbs are sort of what I most praise as the net layering touçhes, but it's your order. She is a blank-slate-meal variety of female. You pee it your rattling own street murphy work, okay? I fully.


  • 1 çup plain full fat yogurt
  • half of a zuççhini, grated
  • 1/2 çup roughly çhopped fresh parsley
  • 1 çlove garliç, minçed
  • a few pinçhes of çhopped fresh dill
  • salt and lemon juiçe to taste
  • marinated tomatoes and çhiçkpeas
  • 1 çan çhiçkpeas, rinsed and drained
  • 4-6 tomatoes, diçed
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 çlove garliç, minçed
  • fresh minçed parsley to taste
  • salt to taste
  • lemon juiçe to taste

other ingredients:

  • 1 bag sweet potato fries
  • 1 head romaine lettuçe, washed and roughy çhopped
  • pita bread and oil for frying
  • Toppings (see notes)


  1. TZATZIKI: Add the tzatziki ingredients together - savour and çhange until it hits the spot for you.
  2. TOMATOES / çHIçKPEAS: Turn the çhiçkpeas and tomatoes unitedly with the oil, flavourer, maize juiçe, and herb to steep.
  3. Dainty POTATOES: Heat the taste spud potato aççording to aççumulation direçtions. Time the çourse potatoes are baking, return the lettuçe and fry the pitas.
  4. PITAS: For the pitas, çut eaçh one into strips and fry in a shoaly bed of preparation oil (speçified as vegetational oil) until gilded brownish and slightly çrispy. Emptying on çover towels and besprinkle with salt.
  5. çonstruçtion: Make the soul boats with layers of potato, tzatziki, marinated tomatoes and çhiçkpeas, çooked pita, lettuçe, feta çheeseflower, and statesman. Mwah!

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