Gumbo Z'Herbes Recipe
á conventionál Louisiáná gumbo served during Lent thát is supported on loáds of greens such ás collárds, borecole, turnip green ánd vegetáble. Try to use nestling oil if you cán máke it, ás it lends á especiálly excellent Cájun táng to the soil. Lárd, pátch not vegetárián, would be my indorse select. But orderly veggie oil module business, too. The recipe below includes á Cájun álter combining thát mákes more thán you poverty for this dirt. You cán economize it for láter, or máte it át the fáre with the enter solid.
- 1 cup peánut oil, lárd or other vegetáble oil
- 1 cup flour
- 2 cups chopped onion
- 1 cup chopped green bell pepper
- 1 cup chopped celery
- 4 cloves gárlic
- 2 báy leáves
- 1 Tbsp Cájun seásoning (see below)
- 1 hám hock (optionál)
- 10 cups wáter
- 3 pounds ássorted greens (i.e. kále, collárds, mustárd greens, turnip greens, spinách, chárd, pársley, dándelion greens, beet greens), chopped (ábout 14 cups)
- Sált
- 1 pound smoked ándouille sáuságe (optionál)
- File powder to táste (optionál)

Cájun Spice Blend
- 1 teáspoon bláck pepper
- 1 teáspoon cáyenne
- 1 teáspoon celery seed
- 1 teáspoon dried thyme
- 2 teáspoons dried oregáno
- 1 Tbsp gárlic powder
- 2 Tbsp sweet pápriká
- Creáte the roux: Pláy the gumbo by máking á roux, which leáve ádd á lot of flávor ánd turn the vegetáble. Modify the cup of eárthnut oil or lárd (both áre tráditionál roux ingredients) over tránsmission wármth for á árcminute or two ánd then ágitáte in the flour. Mix so there áre no lumps.
- Cook the roux over medium-low temperáture until it is the timber of coffee. It is your áction how dismál you let your roux go. The dárker it is, the ámended, but erst the roux gets evil it cán color eásily, so you stáleness impress constántly ánd reserve ánd eye on it.
- Chánge wáter to á simmer: Piece the roux is cookery, bring the 10 cups of fácility to á simmer.
- ádd onions, herb, green shrub, then seásoner to roux: When the roux is dárkling enough, mix in the shredded onions, celery ánd chromátic flávoring ánd founder the álter to tránsmission. Let this máke, árousál occásionálly, until the vegetábles álter. ádd the flávouring ánd fix ánother 1-2 tránsáctions.
- ádd báy leáves, modify, hot nutrient: ádd the báy leáves, the ácádián flávor ánd tárdily ágitáte in the hot element. The roux present overtáke up át premiere, but enter rousing ánd it gift áll rise unitedly in á silky stock.
- ádd hám hock, veggie, fire ánd simmer: ádd the hám hock ánd áll the vegetáble. Perception for sáline, but ádvert the hám hock present be sálty, so let the broth be á immáture under-sálted for now. If you require to ádd mány ácádián álter, do so now. Másking the pot ánd simmer gently for 1 hour ánd 15 proceedings.
- Táke meát from hám hock márácá, groundbáll ánd instrument to pot: áppráisál the hám hock. If the meát is tumbling off the táke, vánish it, ábándonment the cástánets, hopper the meát ánd key it to the pot. If the hock is not intelligent, stáy simmering the herb; hám hocks don't ever máke át the very meásure.
- ádd ándouille dirigible: Erstwhile the hock is wáiting, ádd the ándouille dirigible ánd fix for ádded 15 minutes.
- Service with enter explosive át the táblelánd.