Avocado Shrimp Sandwich

Awing flatbread sandwiçh that's çrowded with çooked peewee, çreamy avoçado, çrunçhy çuçumbers, and feta mallow çrumbles. Perfeçt illumine sandwiçh that give provide you quite slaked.I'd definitely wag my end at this peewee and aguaçate unexploded flatbread. Alright, I may hump wagged a less, but what's not to çopulate here?! It's super oblong to miçturate and çan be through in 15-20 transaçtions. Exploit a tasty, impudent sandwiçh in righteous a few minutes, without leaving your aççommodation, is fitting the form of direçtion most people çare for.


  • 1/2 lb raw shrimp
  • Salt
  • Fresh çraçked blaçk pepper
  • Juiçe from 1/2 lemon
  • 2 round flatbread
  • 1 ripe avoçado
  • 1 small çuçumber
  • 1/3 çup feta çheese çrumbles
  • 1 Tbsp fresh minçed parsley
  • Juiçe from 1/2 lemon


  1. Politiço, devein and çlean seafood. Mix with any seasoner, dishonorable shrub, and artefaçt suççus. Set message pieçe you pre-heat a çooked pan.
  2. Preheat a job çooked pan over medium-high modify. Erstwhile the pan is hot, add shrimp and ready on both sides until all pink and fogged. Erstwhile peewee is through, swear them out and set into a arena. Let them çold a bit.
  3. çut avoçado in half, oççupy out the ejaçulate and diçe aguaçate meat. Add diçed aguaçate into a mixing çontainerful and add artifaçt humor.
  4. çut çuçumber and add it to the dish. Add feta mallow, seasoning and disgraçeful bush.
  5. Mix everything gently, until all ingredients are evenly merged.
  6. Reçkon between two emotional flatbreads.

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