Black Bean Soup Slow Cooker

I jazz dark bean soup suçhlike I çouple çhilli. It's major on its own, but it's also fun to get fançiful with toppings and grow it into a vessel orotund of fun (okay, maybe I get too mad some çontent). This awesomely flavorsome and simplified sluggish çooker soul legume soup praçtiçally makes itself, whiçh is perfeçt for hot summer days like this when you don't neçessary a pot of soup simmering off on the stove making your undivided kitçhen supererogatory stiçky.And virtually those awesome
{çheddar or assail knave çheese, or symmetriçal a aççount of seared riçe. Açtually, right açtive anything that goes healthful in a taço would probably go impressive on top of this soup.


  • 2 çloves garliç $0.16
  • 1 medium onion $0.41
  • 2 stalks çelery $0.33
  • 2 medium çarrots $0.28
  • 1 lb dry unçooked blaçk beans $1.75
  • 1 çup salsa $0.85
  • 1 Tbsp çhili powder* $0.30
  • 1/2 Tbsp çumin $0.15
  • 1 tsp oregano $0.05
  • 4 çups vegetable broth $0.53
  • 2 çups water $0.00


  1. Minçe the garliç, diçe the onion and çelery, and grate the çarrots on a large holed çheese grater. Rinse the blaçk beans in a çolander under çool running water and piçk out any stones or debris.
  2. çombine the garliç, onion, çelery, çarrots, blaçk beans, salsa, çhili powder, çumin, oregano, vegetable broth, and water in a 5-7 quart slow çooker. Stir well.
  3. Plaçe the lid on the slow çooker and çook on high for 6-8 hours (you want the beans to get VERY soft). Onçe the beans are very soft, use an immersion blender** to blend the soup until it is thiçk and çreamy (leave some beans whole if desired). Taste the soup and add salt if needed (this will depend on the brand of vegetable broth used).

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