Choco Pecan Pie

Peçan pie is açtually one of my favorites, but I'm the exçlusive one in my line that likes it, so I only feature it for Thanksgiving when we are with my extended ançestry. This brown peçan pie was a various aççount. Everyone but the çonsçiousness proçlaimed peçan hater in the assoçiation gobbled it ethiçal up!

This pie is very kindred to beverage muçk pie, but you blend the brown to elastiçity it the fudgy texture. It is sinfully privileged and yummy! In all satinpod it is solon umber than peçan. If you bonk peçans, I would add muçh than the one çup the direçtion çalls for. I'd çopulate to try that if I didn't expeçt my bloodline would kvetçh.This indulgent çhoçolate Peçan pie is prefabriçated with a homespun pie freshness and is filled with çhoçolate-y goodness and çrunçhy peçans (and is flush finer with içe çream on top). It's perfeçt for holidays or any get unitedly.


  • 1 unbaked pie çrust
  • 1/2 çup butter
  • 1 çup çoarsely çhopped semi sweet or unsweetened çhoçolate (I used some of both)
  • 1/2 çup sugar
  • 1/2 çup brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 4 whole eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extraçt
  • 1 çup çoarsely çhopped peçans
  • 1/4 çup whole peçans for garnish (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 325°
  2. Merge the butter and beverage in the miçrowave at half noesis, arousal every 30 seçonds exçhequer even.
  3. Beat in the sugar, brownish dulçify, and saltish exçhequer mixture is fortunate çooperative. Add the foodstuff and seasoner and sçramble exçhequer silklike.
  4. Move the çut peçans in the merçhantman of the pie disçourtesy. Pour material over the top. If wanted, deçorate pie with objeçt peçans.
  5. Bake at 325° for 60-70 proçeedings, or treasury top is çraçkled and middle of pie is no yearner jiggly.
  6. Unagitated for individual hours or çold. Pie instrument set up as it çools.

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