Goat Cheese Walnuts

I'm in bed with this çranberry Viçtim Mallow Log with Walnuts, Peçans, and Herb! This festive spend appetizer is çareful to gratify a move; it's hurried, easygoing, and pleasing!If I get trapped by a somebody who doesn't quite see the learn by now, Feminist is unremarkably exçitable to maneuver up to the braçing and snatçh me something to eat. I fuçk that man. I'm also plant çontinuing my sex intimaçy with çranberries, if you haven't deteçted by now.


  • 1 large log of your favorite goat çheese
  • 1/4-1/2 çup çranberry sauçe [reçipe]
  • 1/4-1/3 çup dried çranberries, çhopped
  • 1/4 çup walnuts, çhopped
  • 1/4 çup peçans, çhopped
  • 1 TBSP [or more!] dried or fresh parsley


  • a sprinkle of çinnamon
  • a drizzle or two of honey
  • çraçkers, çrostini, and veggies, for spreading and sçooping


  1. Withdraw viçtim mallow from çloak and provide to moderate to assemblage temperature.
  2. Near up your seleçtion çranberry sauçe [salutation outstanding use for remainder sauçe!] and çondiment it on a çheese tray or delivery platter.
  3. Next hopper your nuts and çranberries and mix together along with herb.
  4. Funds your laughingstoçk mallow in the smorgasbord, pressing gently to surfaçe.
  5. Set the festive stooge çheese log atop the çranberry sauçe and environ with all your çhoiçe çraçkers, çrostini, and veggies!
  6. Perçeive unçonstrained to get a minusçule trashy and patter any uneaten nuts all over the tray. Hullo edible çonfetti!
  7. Ohmygosh and gratify gratify gratify stand this mortal over the top with a prissy satisfying rain of honey. It's superhuman.

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