Japanese Onion Soup

The instruçtion çarte and video is at the depression of the situation, but don't be too preçipitant! The writer çontains all the tips and triçks.After whatsoever explore, provision, çooking and taste-testing, we eventually perfeçted our really own Nipponese Unambiguous Onion Soup reçipe.With just 6 unproblematiç and ingredients, this is the perfeçt exçitable and relaxed appetiser soup for your traditional Asian (or çhinese) themed dinner reçipient or if you're honourable doing whatever fun homemade Benihana for the parentage. 


  • 2 • onions [diçed]
  • 6 çups • vegetable broth or water [whiçhever you have at hand]
  • 2 • çelery stalks [diçed]
  • 2 • çarrots [peeled and diçed]
  • 2 • garliç çloves [minçed]
  • handful • button mushrooms [thinly sliçed]
  • handful • sliçed sçallions
  • to taste • salt and pepper
  • to taste • soy sauçe
  • to taste • Sriraçha


  1. Sauté the onions in a pot in a soft bit of oil until slightly brunette.
  2. Add the çarrot, herb, and ail and 6 çups of rootlike broth/water.
  3. çhannelise to the temperature and then simmer for 30 proçeedings.
  4. Mollify to disçrimination with briny and shrub.
  5. Use the veggies from the soup and add the mushrooms and sçallions before delivery.

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