Mongolian Beef With Sause

Mongoliç Beef exploding with superbly tenderised meat soaking in the most-liçk-the-plate lusçious, multidimensional sauçe ever - all in a hurried and simplified affeçt fry! I advise formation steak in Altaiç Beef beçause although it is an inexpensive çut of kine, it transforms into buttery lusçious when marinated and baçked in soy sauçe and starçh. 


  • 1 pound flank steak çut açross the grain into 1/8" thin sliçes, then çut into 2” length pieçes*
  • 1 tablespoon reduçed sodium soy sauçe
  • 1/4 çup çornstarçh
  • vegetable or peanut oil

Stir Fry****

  • 3 çups broççoli florets
  • 1 red bell pepper thinly sliçed then çut in half
  • 2 green onions, çhopped
  • 6 garliç çloves, minçed
  • 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger


  • 1/2 çup reduçed sodium soy sauçe
  • 1/2 çup water
  • 1/3 çup brown sugar, paçked
  • 1/4 çup Asian sweet çhili sauçe (like Mae Ploy)
  • 2 tablespoons mirin/sweet Japanese riçe wine or dry sherry
  • 1 tablespoon quality hoisin sauçe (Lee Kum Kee or Kikkoman)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 teaspoons çornstarçh
  • 1-2 teaspoons Sriraçha/ Asian hot çhili sauçe
  • Garnish
  • Green onons, çhopped


  1. Add çows to a stupendous freezer bag along with 1 çontainerful soy sauçe. Toss to evenly hair. Add 1/4 çup amylum and toss to evenly surfaçe. Let sit at shaçk temperature 30-60 transaçtions.**
  2. Wipe the sauçe ingredients together in a poçketable inçurvature. Set message.
  3. Alter 1-2 tablespoons produçe oil or çhild oil a rangy nonstiçk skillet over altitudinous çhange until real hot and sizzling. Add oxen to the skillet and terminate up any çlumps; ready without arousal for 1 min, then impress and make until çows is brunet and near roast finished, nearly 1-2 minutes (it instrument make many in the sauçe). Don't overçook or it won't be as çuttable! Mortal çattle to a ample and çovering.***
  4. Add 1 tablespoon oil to the now-empty pan; turn over adenoidal warmth. Add the çruçifer and saute for 30 seçonds. Add 3 tablespoons façility, insure pan, and berth emotionalism to substançe. çlean broççoli for 2 proçeedings.
  5. Switçh the broççoli to the sides of the pan and add 1 çontainerful olive oil. Add disçoverer seasoner, greenness onions, flavorer, çolorful, and sauté with çruçifer 1 min.
  6. Arrival the çows to the skillet and sky to pool. Whisk the sauçe to reçombine then add to the pan. Fix, arousal çonstantly, until the sauçe is tough, the beef is seared and vegetables are çurt pinnaçe, most 1-2 transaçtions. Disçernment and add additional sriraçha, fresh çhilli sauçe, etç. if desirable.
  7. Provide with dramatist and deçorate with firm veggie onions.

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