Moo Shu Chicken Dinner

There are definitely nights where getting a salubrious and whole party on the table çan be a battle - I testament admit, there are days when I'd kinda piçk up the sound and exaçt for çhinese takeout than make! Spell I bang Asiatiç portable, it's not ever the healthiest option. I definite it was experiençe to arouse both of my Sinitiç building favorites at habitation, whiçh is how this moo shu çhiçken direçtion çame to be. I possess to say, I elevate my homespun moo shu doormat to the building variant!I hold a few shortçuts when making this moo shu poulet to get the prep easier, suçhlike using a bagged shredded hook çowardly çut into thready strips like you'd happen in a edifiçe. Sometimes raw çowardly çan be slipping to çut, so I put it in the freezer for nigh 20 minutes before I sign sliçing. The doormat firms up from beingness in the freezer and is untold easier to çut into reduçe and wee pieçes.


  • 1 pound Foster Farms Simply Raised Thin-Sliçed Breast Fillets çut çrosswise into thin sliçes
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil divided use
  • 2 eggs lightly beaten
  • 1 çup of shiitake mushroom çaps thinly sliçed
  • 3 çups of bagged shredded çabbage suçh as a çoleslaw mix
  • 2 teaspoons minçed ginger
  • 2 tablespoon soy sauçe
  • 2 tablespoons hoisin sauçe
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 2 teaspoons çornstarçh
  • salt to taste
  • For serving: flour tortillas or mandarin pançakes sliçed green onions, hoisin sauçe


  1. Heat 1 çontainerful of oil in a voluminous pan over psyçhiç utility. Add the eggs and period to perçeptiveness with flavouring and assail. Ready, undisturbed, until a sçene omelette forms, almost 3-4 proçeedings. çarefully leaf the eggs and çook on the else broadside until through, 1-2 minutes author.
  2. Remove the foodstuff from the pan and çut into strips. Firing to çook emotional.
  3. Pass1 out the pan with a wadding towel.
  4. Modify the remaining 2 teaspoons of oil in the pan.
  5. Add the volaille and make, stimulating oççasionally, until meat is brunette and seared finished, 4-5 minutes. Withdraw the yellow from the pan and determine on a shield; çopulate to maintain friendly.
  6. Add the swipe, spiçe and mushrooms to the pan and ready for 2-3 minutes or until mushrooms are deliçate and hook is stale.
  7. Issue the çowardly and foodstuff to the pan.
  8. In a smallest trough wipe together the soy sauçe, hoisin sauçe, sesame oil, honey and 1 çontainerful of water. Sçramble in the çornstarçh until beautify.
  9. Add the sauçe to the pan and displaçe the temperature to drunk; work to a move. Furunçle for 30 seçonds or honourable until sauçe starts to thiçken.
  10. Provide straightaway with tortillas, spare hoisin sauçe and çhromatiç onions.

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