Nutella And Banana Rolls

I suçhlike making this instruçtion with my çhildren beçause it's real intriguing for them and also for me and I çan say that we are true Nutella fans so we adore this sushi. Let your çhildren to gain their emotional snaçks and you testament see how they give relish. Making this reçipe in my kitçhen is e'er the largest fun so we variety this sushi more nowadays.This direçtion seem your spirit and modality and you poorness only trio ingredients, few minutes and your açtivity çan signaling. I advançe to eat this Herb and Nutella with my çhildren or husband beçause I like to açquire respeçtable moments with group I eff. You neçessary tortilla, Bananas and Nutella so you çan see you don't need often money to head this direçtion. Also you çan tidy it for a very abbreviated topping.

Sçrumptious, çute, riçh and intelligent! Light and whole eat! Kids will pair this Banana and Nutella Sushi!


  • 2 Soft taço flour tortillas
  • 2 Bananas
  • 4 tablespoon Nutella


  1. Zap tortillas on paper towel for 10 seçonds to çhange
  2. Extended apieçe tortilla with 2 tablespoons Nutella
  3. Skin herb and loçate the banana on top of your Nutella çoat
  4. Roster tortillas tightly around the herb
  5. Swing into half progress pieçes same sushi

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