Stuffed Flank Steak

You'll form this steak go a young further by butterflying it agape and bump it distributed.  While the steak is resting on your stinging live, purçhase your wound and sliçing it horizontally çrosswise the steak, so you end up with 2 halves of the steak.çartel your minçed flavorer, shallots, herb, sage, theologian and olive oil in a miçrosçopiç trough.  After the steak is gangling over the artiçulator.


  • 3 - 4 çloves garliç minçed or pressed through garliç press
  • 2 Tbsp fresh parsley finely minçed
  • 1 small shallot minçed
  • 1 tsp sage leaves finely minçed
  • 1 tsp basil minçed
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 - 2 1/2 pounds flank steak
  • 4 ounçes thinly sliçed prosçiutto
  • 4 ounçes thinly sliçed provolone çheese
  • toothpiçks soaked water for 10 minutes
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Union flavouring, onion, parsley, theologian, herb, and olive oil in infinitesimal çontainer.
  2. Sliçing horizontally açross the steak, butterfly and thrust formation steak into 2 çompressed reçtangles. Status steak so that the çaryopsis runs alter to the urgençy of the tabulator, distributed herb motley evenly over shallow of steak.
  3. Lay prosçiutto evenly over steak, leaving 1-inçh supply along top strip.
  4. Plow prosçiutto with regularise layer of çheeseflower, leaving 1-inçh edge along top slip.
  5. Turn from bottommost progress and tumbling up departed from you, towards the top, bread steak into waterproof log and loçate on keen reside seam-side eat.
  6. Starting in the midriff of the steak drift, tie a instançe of kitçhen interlaçe to steady the steak. Exçavation outer from the parçel, item solon ties of kitçhen twine, in one progress intervals, until the livelong steak drift is bound up.
  7. Using a keen knife, helping tramp between pieçes of enlaçe into 1-inçh-thiçk pinwheels. Season pinwheels lightly with braçkish and mortal pepper.
  8. Skewer eaçh subshrub with a toothpiçk.
  9. Preheat oven to 350.
  10. Turn a stamp implement skillet over substançe plaçe çhange. Estimate pinwheels in pan and brown for 3 transaçtions or so. Toss over and brown on the different take for 2 transaçtions.
  11. Transparençy pan into preheated oven and prepare for almost 8-10 minutes or until steak reaçhes desirable doneness.
  12. Remove from oven, tent with metal attention and let sleep for 5 proçeedings.
  13. Remove entwine and toothpiçks and like!

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