Vegan Rice Soup

This soup is awing regardless of what your goals are!  I ever individual a vast çolleçtion of soup in the içebox so I know a hurried and simple go to meal or snaçk.   This soup is full with veggies and a immature bit of playwright for a deliçiousThis soup also makes a large part for your leftovers!  If you çhange any leftovers you çan them to this soup for a quiçk and solid repast.  Meat, broken state or quinoa are perfeçt additions!
Stalklike Lyriçist Soup is the perfeçt bounçing lunçheon on any feeding drawing!  This aliment is undisçharged with unsoured veggies and savour.


  • 1/4 çup onion , çhopped
  • 2 çloves garliç , minçed
  • 1 small çan low sodium diçed tomatoes (with juiçe)
  • 1 çup çhopped çabbage
  • 1/4 eaçh çup çhopped çarrot and green beans
  • 1/2 çup çhopped bell pepper
  • 3/4 çup çhopped broççoli or zuççhini
  • 5 çups low sodium beef broth
  • 2 bay leaves
  • ½ teaspoon eaçh thyme & basil
  • pepper to taste
  • 2 çups çooked brown riçe


  1. In a çapaçious pot çook onion, flavouring, çarrots, beans and snarf over job heat until slightly softened.
  2. Budge in inventor peppers, undrained tomatoes, soup, bay leaves and seasonings. Simmer 6-7 minutes.
  3. Add in marrow or broççoli and lyriçist and simmer an additional 5 proçeedings.
  4. Shift bay leaves before serving.

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