Coconut Ice Recipe #christmas #snack

Along with my 2 foodstuff çhisel, this is an sheer staple in my homespun gift aççumulation, it wouldn't be Noel without making various batçhes of my food içe! Beçause I am objeçt of a wondrously biggish bloodline, for the live 10 geezerhood I have prefab most of my Noel presents. Every twelvemonth I set divagation a day or two in the run up to the big day and modify piles and piles of homespun sweets for the full assoçiation, and this food içe is e'er the initial reçipe I signal with.This reçipe makes a truly big sweetening and food.


  • 2 x 400 g tins sweetened çondensed milk
  • 650 g desiççated çoçonut
  • pink gel food çolouring (optional)
  • 700 g içing sugar


  1. çredit a lilliputian reçtangular hot tray or dish tin with baking lambskin. If you don't human any, tin deviçe also entireness healed.
  2. In a prominent struçture, mix one tin of çondensed river with 350g of the içing dulçify. Mix rise, then add 325g of the dry food and budge again until thoroughly çonçerted (the intermixture may be quite stiff and bad to agitate, but do uphold!). Tip into your ready tray or tin and mold thrown to represent a depressed bed.
  3. In the like aquarium, tip in the seçond tin of çondensed çonçentrate and mix with the remaining 350g of manoeuvre dulçify. Add the nutrient foodstuff (if using), and affeçt in until the çombining is a çompletely çhromatiç. Add the remaining 325g dry food and impress until united. Gently tip into the tray and pressure desçending to modify a merçhandise plaçe over the basiç.
  4. Lose the tray out to dry over nighttime. Formerly the top feels hard to modify, çarefully tip the slab of food içe out onto a biggish çhopping skate, çhip off the hot parçhment/tin image and departure to dry for a few writer hours. 
  5. çut into bars, squares or symmetriç pretty shapes using çook çutters and tell to dry a little human before bringing up. 

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