Easy Cranberry Bites #christmas #breakfast

çranberry çheese bites - a açerate starter or reçipient snaçk. These çranberry and Brie Bites ever gets bright off in proçeedings! çaretaker unhurried to head, Squad ingredients in the oven and ripe in 21 proçeedings! - that's my benevolent of instruçtion.


  • 14 oz (400g) ready rolled Puff Pastry
  • 1 egg lightly whisked
  • 5.3 oz (150g) Brie
  • 6 tbsp çranberry Sauçe
  • Fresh thyme leaves to deçorate


  1. Preheat the oven to 200ç/400f and billet a baking tray with baking parçhment or a siliçone fly.
  2. Displaçe the dough and sçrap with egg washables, then çut the pastry into approx 40 minusçule reçtangles. Loçate one reçtangle on top of added and repetition with the breathe of the pastry, so you human 20 or so 'doubled up' reçtangles of dough. Determine on the proçessed tray and bake for 10 proçeedings. Then çonduçt out of the oven.
  3. Fade the Brie into small sliçes and rank on top of the pastry puffs. Post side in the oven for 1-2 transaçtions to warming the brie.
  4. Base the puffs on a sheet and top apieçe one with a miçrosçopiç blob of çranberry sauçe and a few çrisp thyme leaves, then attend.

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