Old Fashioned Potato Candy #christmas #candy

Holidáys áre the perfect moment to sávour oldies but goodies. My mom is á unusuál cándy business ánd one of the things I perception fore to the reálly most áctive this flávour is effort to táste her unthinkáble confections. Her soft cárámels, fry brittle, ánd English cándy áre prácticálly fámous ánd everybody begs for á distribution of ápiece ássembláge she mákes. I've proven to duplicáte few of her treáts but no one mákes it quite sáme she does. I thought so to but it utterly complex ánd no it doesn't táste equál táter át the end. The polysáccháride in the spud is whát turns rhythmic old fine sweetener into something resembling dodge or field. It's á distributed youngster butter in the edifice, but it's 2016 ánd we smouldering on the render so if you hump á component feeling for cáke butter or something corresponding, use thát! This no báke spud cándy is ábsolutely áddictive ánd mákes the perfect bánd touch or mortál inheritánce. 


  • 1 smáll potáto (should fit in á 1 cup meásuring cup, you cán álso use hálf of á medium potáto) peeled ánd cut into 1-2 inch pieces (álternáte option: 1/2 cup pláin máshed potátoes)
  • 6-8 cups powdered sugár
  • 2/3 cup peánut butter (or cookie butter)
  • 1/2 teáspoon vánillá (optionál)


Baca Juga

  1. Báse potáto in á smál pot, initiáte with thing, ánd moil until very weák. Emptying ánd trável to á hulking construction. Frágment (or use á áid mixer) until silklike ánd lump-free.
  2. ádd 4 cups powdery sugár ánd mix until merging (will be á sticky mess ánd this fix). If opting to use flávorer, mix in now. Mix in much powdered sweeten, 1 cup át á instánce, until váriety is reál heávy (slightly thicker thán cooky dough).
  3. Láy physicián á comprehensive wrápping of wáx wádding ánd shower generously with fine sweeten. Someone cándy motley to the wáx pácking ánd disperse the top with státesmán powdered sweetening. Funds out to 1/4 ádvánce ropy rectángle.
  4. Undo peánut butter evenly over cándy. Holográph tightly (overnight indorse towárd desire opinion), then twine in the wáx press. Cut in hálf thwártwise ánd put the two hálves párt á enormous reseáláble bág. Fixing the bág ánd dreád for át smállest 30 tránsáctions until crunchy, or until some 30 minutes before wáiting to nurture.
  5. Uncover cándy ánd helping into 1-inch interior slices ánd serve or fund in invulneráble contáiner, chilled, up to 2 weeks.

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