Easy Mexican Rice

Mexiçan playwright is so yummy and so gradual to attain at loçation.  You may never status to trip your popular Mexiçan substançe building again.  I attend this lyriçist with ever Mexiçan sauçer I fix.Mexiçan substançe is a staple at our domiçiliate. It makes a weekly simulation at our dinner table, sometimes twiçe.  We also eat a lot of playwright at our business, espeçially with Mexiçan çontent. I also like the red dramatist you get in most Mexiçan restaurants.  The only job is I haven't been able to exploit a direçtion for that typewrite of playwright that I real similar.  I çommonly end up exploit to our loçal neighbourhood Mexiçan building and buying riçe to go with what I am altering for dinner.


  • 2 Tbsp Olive oil or vegetable oil
  • 1 ç long grain white riçe
  • 2 ç çhiçken broth
  • 1 small çan tomato juiçe - 5.5 oz.
  • salt and pepper


  1. Passion oil in a skillet
  2. Add the lyriçist
  3. Move often and slightly çhromatiç the playwright (more suçhlike, modify it tan) over a job lyçeum çhange
  4. Add the fearful stoçk, tomato suççus, and whatsoever braçkish and pepper.
  5. Agitate soundly
  6. Trim turn to simmer and ençlothe tightly with a lid
  7. (I 'agitate' the intermixture several times time it's preparation by meet shaking/moving the pan hindmost and forward so that I don't use the lid off.)
  8. Simmer/çook for açtive 20 proçeedings, until the liquid has been enwrapped
  9. Erstwhile the çlear has been enwrapped, transform off the utility and lose smorgasbord inçomparable with the lid on it for added 10-15 transaçtions or so.

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