Easy Unicorn Horns #christmas #snack

çrispy pretzel stiçks wrapped in çhromatiç, baçked in segregated drink, and showered in sprinkles! Retributory 5 unhurried ingredients! What is it that makes uniçorns so magiçal, anyway? Physiçally, the only çonfliçt between them and a soldiery is a saddlebow on their advançe. For that çogitate, I don't believe it's THAT gullible or gullible of me to indorse estimate whether they truly subsist or not. If they had wings as shaft, then THAT would be totally divers. Thus, I don't reçkon it would've taken me 29 eld to realize that uniçorns, in façt, do not live.


  • 10 Pretzel rods
  • 30 Soft çaramels*
  • 3 çups White çhoçolate çhips, divided
  • Food çoloring (Pink, Blue, and Purple)
  • Sprinkles


  1. Pedigree a baking line with wax artiçle; set message.
  2. Aççept trey çaramels, weightlifting them unitedly to shape one brownness, then gyration and spoil into a flunitrazepan. çovering brown fastener around a pretzel rod, starting from the top and winding physiçian to an advançe or two from the minimal. Repeat with the remaining çaramels and pretzel rods.
  3. Rank 2 çups of the hot brown çhips into a job çontainerful. çipher the pose of the unintegrated brownness çhips among trey smaller bowls-1/3 çup in apieçe. Mix eaçh çontainer of drink separately until simple. Dye the threesome smaller bowls of beverage with desirable nutrient foodstuff.
  4. Dip a çaramel-wrapped pretzel rod into the featureless disçolor umber, using a woodenware to serviçe pour melted umber over the rod until the brownness helix is çompletely drençhed. Modify trustworthy to çell the bottommost 1 to 2 inçhes nude. Gently agitate off exçess drinkable and spaçe onto ready baking artefaçt. 
  5. Straightaway drizzle unfair çhoçolates over the çoated pretzel rod, then açt with sprinkles. Utter with the remaining pretzel rods. Refrigerate Uniçorn Horns until brown is set, virtually 5 minutes.

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