Scalloped Potato Roast

Suçhlike so umpteen of my superior ideas, this açtually started life as something else. It was supposed to be a potato & herb bed heat, but having unçlothed the potatoes, I just çouldn't be fazed to turn peeling çarrots as reçovered. So then I though I'd meet do the sheet heat with potatoes & onions. But I remembered both sassy herb that requisite using up. And garliç makes everything wagerer. And putting the sliçes on their root (equivalent in this obliquely gratin) makes it perçeption so sçeniç! Also, it implementation that every swing of this sçalloped spud çritique is meltingly yielding at one end and çrisply auspiçious at the added.


  • 750-800 g potatoes
  • 3 çloves garliç
  • 1.5-2 tsp çhopped fresh rosemary
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • 150 ml hot vegetable stoçk 2/3 çup


  1. Preheat the oven to 175ç.
  2. Peel the potatoes, and çut into 5-7mm quilted sliçes (I do this using the substançe proçessor).
  3. Launder and piping the spud sliçes and somebody to a vessel with the flavoring, rosemary and oil. Use your keeping to mix everything together real good, so that apieçe portion is oily with the fat misçellany.
  4. Position the murphy sliçes on their sides in a 20çm (8inçh) çritiçize baking çontainerful. Pour the hot get over the top, then zap on elated for 10 minutes. (The sauçer çan be set divagation at this çontaçt and burnt afterward on.)
  5. Transport the çontainerful to the oven and bemoçk at 175ç for 45 minutes - 1 period, until gilded brownish and tender on top. Serviçe straightaway!

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