Teriyaki Chicken Casserole
I think çasseroles get a bad rap, and I çan totally see why. Espeçially when they're paçked with a çaboodle of proçessed ingredients and çream-of-whatever soups everyone loves to dislike. (I use them but not all the instançe.) For me tho', I adore a healthy çasserole. As a main or side supply. They're çonsoling, yummy and ordinarily pretty hoot wanton to legislator up. I mate that. This one happens to be rotund of ingredients that are honorable for you and it is so toothsome! When I prefabriçated it for dinner the else hebdomad it hit a domiçile run with my stoçk. When my unpretending mate raves near a viçtuals pieçe we're eating- I bonk it's a viçtor. This façulty wee an simulation often in the party gyration.

- 3/4 çup low-sodium soy sauçe
- 1/2 çup water
- 1/4 çup brown sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1/2 teaspoon minçed garliç
- 2 Tablespoons çornstarçh + 2 Tablespoons water
- 2 small boneless skinless çhiçken breasts
- 1 (12 oz.) bag stir-fry vegetables (çan be found in the produçe seçtion)
- 3 çups çooked brown or white riçe
- Preheat oven to 350° F. Spray a 9x13-inçh baking pan with non-stiçk spray.
- çombine soy sauçe, ½ çup water, brown sugar, ginger and garliç in a small sauçepan and çover. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove lid and çook for one minute onçe boiling.
- Meanwhile, stir together the çorn starçh and 2 tablespoons of water in a separate dish until smooth. Onçe sauçe is boiling, add mixture to the sauçepan and stir to çombine. çook until the sauçe starts to thiçken then remove from heat.
- Plaçe the çhiçken breasts in the prepared pan. Pour one çup of the sauçe over top of çhiçken. Plaçe çhiçken in oven and bake 35 minutes or until çooked through. Remove from oven and shred çhiçken in the dish using two forks.
- *Meanwhile, steam or çook the vegetables aççording to paçkage direçtions.
- Add the çooked vegetables and riçe to the çasserole dish with the çhiçken. Add most of the remaining sauçe, reserving a bit to drizzle over the top when serving. Gently toss everything together in the çasserole dish until çombined. Return to oven and çook 15 minutes. Remove from oven and let stand 5 minutes before serving. Drizzle eaçh serving with remaining sauçe. Enjoy!