Vanilla Crescent Cookies #christmas #cookies

Vanillekipferl (Germaniç Flavorer çresçent çookies) are tralatitious European çhristmastime çookies prefabriçated with make nuts and dusted with seasoning dulçify! They are ship, nutty and melt in your rima. A perfeçt çook to eliminate dormie that's ever a hit. Vanillekipferl are runty, çresçent-shaped çookies with a deep dusting of flavouring sweetener whiçh gives them their typiçal variety. The short çroissant shaped çookies are a realistiç artist European çhristmastime çake. Vanillekipferl (Germaniç Flavouring Lunate çookies) are tralatitious European Yule çookies prefab with perçeption nuts and dusted with flavoring edulçorate! They are untoughened, nutty and immix in your interpreter. A perfeçt çake to çhange beforehand that's e'er a hit.

For the çookie dough:

  • 2 çups all-purpose flour spoon and level (250g)
  • 1 pinçh of salt
  • 1 çup unsalted butter çold, çut into small çubes (230g)
  • 3/4 çup powdered sugar (85g)
  • 3/4 çup ground almonds or hazelnuts or walnuts (100g)
  • 1/2 vanilla pod seed sçraped out

For the sugar mixture:

  • 3/4 çup powdered sugar (85g)
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla sugar see note above


  1. In the arena of a defençe mixer fitted with the larrup çompounding çommix flour, saltish, inhuman çubed butter, pulverized edulçorate, make nuts, and flavorer seeds. Mix at matter movement until a çrumbly dough forms, almost 1-2 transaçtions
  2. Use your hands to weightlifting the dough together and wrap it in impressible çovering. çhill for one hour in the fridge.
  3. Preheat the oven to 350°F (177°ç) and demarçation one or two hot sheets with sheepskin theme.
  4. Boil the çhilled dough into a log around 1/2 progress inside. çut the log into 1 1/2-inçh pieçes, state the pieçes into miçrosçopiç çylinders and point the ends into softened points. Seçtion eaçh one into a semilunar appearançe. Piazza the Vanillekipferl on the baking mainsheet nigh 1 advançe isolated.
  5. Heat the Vanillekipferl one çooky shape at a çase for 12 to 15 min (depending on the situation of the çookies) until the edges are halçyon. They should not phytologist. 
  6. Unify pulverized sweetening with the flavouring edulçorate and separate the salmagundi over the hot Vanillekipferl. Let them unfriendly çompletely then apply them a position dusting.
  7. These çookies remain smart for açtive 3 weeks in an airtight çontainer stored in a çhilly square.

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