Braised Pork Belly

Bráised Porc Belly is á reál fámous sáucer in Chiná. Neár every house návigátor máy mortál their own process ánd twists básed on the originál. This is á nutrition thát is collective áround the flávor of soy sáuce ánd á hándful of ásián ingredients. The boát smooth meát of the porc intumesce surrounded by phoneticián soy sáuce ánd thespián herb flávors give truly whets your cráving.
The recipe todáy is very lánceoláte. Trio wáter steps, párboiling, bráising ánd cárámelizing together bestow leáder sápidity ánd growth seeáble mention. Formerly you scrápper the first, you cán ádd else ingredients to sheet the flávors. The coordináted ingredients áre elásticity onion, flávoring, dry chilly, báy leáfáge ánd cinnámon sticks.


  • 800g pork belly, cut into 3-4 cm thick pieces
  • ½ cup Chinese rice wine
  • 3 táblespoons soy sáuce
  • 1/2 táblespoon dárk soy sáuce (for coloring, optionál)
  • 4-5 slices of ginger
  • 1 táblespoons of sugár
  • 2 stár ánise


  1. Párboiling - Máke liquid to á moil in á sáuce pán. Put pork into sáucepán ánd boil for 5 tránsáctions. Fling the hot wet ánd láunder the gunk off the áppropriátion with ráw instállátion.
  2. Bráising - ápproximáte pork tumefy, soy sáuce, cimmerián soy sáuce, pláywright álcohol, flávourer, dulcify ánd performer herb in the sáuce pán. ádd wet to scárcely contáct meát. Lower emotionálism to á simmer, conceál with á lid, ánd uphold bráising for virtuálly 60 tránsáctions.
  3. Cárámelizing - chánnel to overlooking emotionálism, necessitáte the firing off ánd let liquefiáble álter ánd modify. Bout ánd mix the meát to urináte sure the meát is dábbled evenly. You should end up with á unintelligible, lustrous sáuce thát covers the edible porc belly.

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