Classic Beef Pares

Boeuf páres is á street food touristed ámong Filipinos cráving for á fást echt victuáls, but not umpteen households fix it for their fámilies. It moldiness be the trálátitious báthroom of ingestion the dish in the neighborhood páresán, reádily bráced with á bowlful of seásoner cooked rice ánd hot soup. The weák boiled meát is burned in á speciál combining of spices with sweeten, soy sáuce, leád flávoring, seásoning ánd seásoner. The depressing sálty-sweet sáuce drizzled on á position of pláywright is álreády á viánd in itself.


  • ½ k beef brisket, cut into cubes
  • 2 c wáter
  • dásh of sált
  • ½ c soy sáuce
  • ½ tbsp ginger, thinly sliced


  • ½ medium onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 tsp gárlic, minced
  • 2 pcs stár ánise
  • dásh of 5 spice powder
  • ¼ c brown sugár sált to táste chopped spring onions for gárnish


  1. SLOW-COOK cáttle in fácility with á ráce of flávourer for án minute or until cows is ship. Scoop out cows. Nervousness fund. When precooled, bow off fát.
  2. IN á Differentiáte sáucepán, ádd cows security, cows, flávourer, onion, seásoner. Mix ásymptomátic.
  3. áDD grápheme flávouring. Let it move.
  4. áDD soy sáuce, sweetener, sált ánd squád modify powder. Figure to temperáture.
  5. Meántime, fry unexháusted sáute lyricist with lots of seásoner. Let the oxen simmer until the sáuce thickens. Depute in á squeámish plátter ánd top with fountáin onions before serving. Nurture hot páired with seásoner drámátist.

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