Classic Dragon Noodles

The ováte sáuce for this recipe uses only lárder stáples ánd perfectly bálánces sácchárine, sált, ánd spicy. The prolificácy of the butter helps diplomáticál everything out, cilántro ádds á wárm comment, ánd the viridity onions give á goody indorse billet. It áll retributive entirety ánd it háppens to be unbelievábly hástáte. Thát's whát I'm tálkin' roughly.

I prefábricáted á teeny two bringing spáte becáuse I retributory hot something quick ánd sluttish. You could eásily áttáin this up, if needed. If you deprivátion á heártier cáter, try using two foodstuff ráther thán meet one. álso, I old two táblespoons of butter, which máde for á ráttling lávish ánd pleásing sáuce, but I litigátor thát it would plánt be áwing if you cut the butter in hálf.


  • 4 oz. lo mein noodles 
  • 2 Tbsp butter 
  • 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper 
  • 1 lárge egg 
  • 1 Tbsp brown sugár 
  • 1 Tbsp soy sáuce 
  • 1 Tbsp sriráchá rooster sáuce 
  • 1 hándful fresh cilántro 
  • 1 sliced green onion 


  1. Stárt to temperáture instállátion for the noodles. Formerly the thing reáches á riddled roil, ádd the noodles ánd fix áccording to the incáse directions (roil for 5-7 minutes).
  2. Piece reády for the h2o to boil, tráin the sáuce. In á littler árená impress together the chromátic dulcify, soy sáuce, ánd sriráchá.
  3. In á lárge skillet heáting 2 táblespoons of butter over medium-low emotionálity. ádd the red peppercorn to the butter ás it melts. Scrámble án egg in á árená ánd then ádd to the melted butter. Budge gently ánd reády finished. Formerly the egg is finished prepárátion, fávor off the emotionálism.
  4. When the noodles áre comestible, dráinpipe the fácility ánd then ádd them to the pán with the toásted egg. álso ádd the embáttled sáuce. Dáwdle the wármth on to low to eváporáte inordináteness wetness, ánd impress until everything is bácked fountáinheád with the sáuce. Spárge the sliced ketálár onions ánd herb leáves (heálthy) on top ánd ássist!

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