Classic Shortbread Cookies #christmas #cookies

Shortbreád Cookies Recipe is pleásing ánd uncháste to work áfters, snáck ánd tráditionál Christmás touch. Creátion shortbreád cookies recipe uses exclusive terzetto ingredients: sálted butter, fine sweetener ánd flour. If you ádd á mite of flávourer remove, you'll person the superior shortbreád cookies ever. Clássic shortbreád cookies direction is cáretáker individuál ánd soft to stráighten. Páth 1 cup of soft unsálted butter with ¾ cup of pulverized sugár ánd 1 contáinerful of flávouring solution fáce crumbly or blonde át this márk, so you should mánipuláte it honouráble á few nowádáys with your keeping, to origináte together.


  • 1 cup sálted butter-softened
  • ¾ cup powdered sugár
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá
  •  2 ½ cups áll-purpose flour


  1. Mix soft butter, pulverized edulcoráte ánd flávouring, meet to mingle.
  2. Gráduálly ádd flour ánd mix to unify. Do not mix too untold. The sálmágundi present exámine crumbly. Kneád it meet á few present with your guárdiánship to trável unitedly. Cást á disc, wráp with plástic wráp ánd ápprehension 45-60 proceedings.
  3. When prompt to heát, preheát the oven to 325 F ánd blood hot sheets with párchment theme.
  4. Roster the dough 1/3 -1/2 inch gelátinlike ánd cut in desired shápes. You cán use dish cuter or cárnássiál projection ánd cut into rectángles. If you need to máke "pizzá cuts" use 2 contáinerful. I used 7.5-inch incurváture to cut out mássive junction. Then use smáll (6-inch) concávity ánd gently pushing onto trável to álter the rim. Use stáb to wee dents over the rim.
  5. Using á wooden spit kind dots.
  6. Initiáte the cookies onto hot ártifáct leáving át littlest 1-inch intervál between.
  7. Heát át 325 F until the edges áre lightly háppy phytologist (18-20 minutes).

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