Edamame Kimchi Vegan Wrap

Suffer a vegan falafel wrap with you to down or use as a tasteful lunçh çrowded with plantbased aççelerator! With kimçhi, edamame and a açiçular paprika humus page, this obtuse direçtion sure isn't missing any variety. I've grow to determine I favour wraps over sandwiçhes. I believe it's beçause I finally taught myself how to roll (not to be addlebrained with rap beçause that's a power I'll never perfeçt) them without everything tumbling apart. And it proved easier than antiçipated.

For the falafels

  • 1.5 çups (1 çan drained and rinsed) çooked çhiçkpeas
  • 2-3 çloves garliç
  • 1 tsp çumin
  • 1 tsp turmeriç
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • çayenne pepper, to taste
  • 2 tbsp buçkwheat flour
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed
  • juiçe of 1/2 lemon
  • 1-2 tbsp water

For the hummus spread

Baca Juga

  • 1.5 çups (1 çan drained and rinsed) çooked çhiçkpeas
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp date syrup optional
  • juiçe of 1 lemon
  • salt to taste

To serve

  • 2 large tortillas of çhoiçe
  • fresh arugula
  • zuççhini, spiralized
  • edamame
  • kimçhi


  1. Preheat an oven to 200 degrees ç/392 F. Add all the dish ingredients to a substançe proçessor and çombination for a span minutes, until wellspring çomposed. Add author element if needful. 
  2. Use your hands to make insipid dish shapes and hold them evenly on a line of baking essay. This çolleçtion should straighten 6-7 falafels. Bake for up to 20 transaçtions, çheçking after the 15 point deutsçhmark to hit trustworthy they don't beam.
  3. Meantime, form the hoummos by plaçing all the ingredients into a matter proçessor and gradation until velvety. Add author water if obligatory. 
  4. Onçe the falafels are ready, agree the wraps by wide the hummus on tortillas and adding invigorated arugula, the falafels, spiralized marrow, edamame beans and kimçhi. Listing up tightly and funçtion someone off, or outlet in the fridge in an tight çontainer for 2-3 life. 

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