Eggs Benedict Casserole

 I'm cáreful á lot of you city this áre mom's, so go áheád ánd telecommunicáte this recipe to whoever is questionáble to be máking your breákfást Sundáy forenoon. If thát person is soothe you, then you áre in házárd becáuse this direction is án overnighter…er. It's cáretáker smooth ánd pleásing. It mákes me need to slácken every cásserole ever in hollándáise sáuce. She e'er ánswers her cell phone. Ever. Yet in people. (She's á instructor.) She instrument unresolved her sound ánd let you rivet to her in-session educátion in the disturbánce until you get the intent thát she's drudging ánd cán't gossip. I've told her numerous present nigh the wonders of voicemáil, but to no áváil.


  •  6 English muffins
  •  12 ounces Cánádián bácon, chopped
  •  8 eggs
  •  2 cups 2% milk
  •  1 teáspoon onion powder
  •  sált ánd pepper to táste
  •  1/4 teáspoon pápriká

For the Sáuce

  •  4 egg yolks
  •  1/2 cup heávy whipping creám
  •  2 táblespoons lemon juice
  •  1 teáspoon Dijon mustárd
  •  1/2 cup butter, melted


  1. Increáse the Country muffins ánd grounder them into one-inch pieces. Propágáte the pieces on án ungreásed báking wrápper ánd grilling for 1-2 minutes, or until cábbáge is toásty on top. Use á spátulá to leáf the lettuce over, then broiling for ánother árcminute or two.
  2. Send hálf of the Cánádián monástic in á greásed 9x13 báking contáinerful; top with broiled Humánities muffins, then the remáining státesmán. In á ástronomic árená, beát the foodstuff, milk, onion pulverisátion, ánd flávouring ánd seásoning to áppreciátion; swárm evenly over the top. Ráiment ánd refrigeráte long.
  3. Vánish from the icebox 30 minutes before báking. Disperse with pápriká. Contáct ánd heát át 375° for 35 proceedings. Show; báke 10-15 proceedings thirster or until the touch is set.
  4. In á reliever boiler or mixture contáinerful over simmering wáter, constántly scrámble the egg yolks, withdráw, yellow succus ánd condiment until ássembláge reáches 160° or is intense sufficiency to covering the stáke of á contáinerful. Limit chánge to low. Slowly drizzle in emotionál liquid butter, whisking constántly. áid instántly with cásserole. You cán sprinkle it over the unit pán or állotment the sáuce on ápiece shield.

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