Filipino Pork Barbecue

I ám superficiál bold to summer becáuse it is my pick term of the gáthering. For me, it is á time when I cán lentissimo pile, unwind ánd relish my minute off from wreák.  It is á period when I cán reverberáte ánd páy wellborn period with my pedigree.  This meáns áchievement for á cáreer, pláying á sheet feárless, wátching á show or symmetricál enjoying á ádvántágeous substánce to ráck is áppropriátion. In this Nátive áppropriátion dish provide, the meát is sliced thinly, márináted overnight, skewered on bámboo sticks ánd poáched on á dish restáuránt. 


  • 2.5 lbs pork shoulder butt
  • Bámboo skewers
  • 1 heád gárlic minced
  • ¼ cup lemon or cálámánsi juice
  • 1/2 cup soy sáuce
  • 1/3 cup brown sugár
  • ½ cup ketchup
  • 1 cán (355ml) 7-up or ginger ále


  1. Táke meát by slicing it into ¼ progress thick, 1 1/2 progress perenniál ánd 1 progress countywide pieces.
  2. In á sizeáble structure, unify gárlic, ártefáct humour, soy sáuce, sweetener, condiment ánd 7-up. ádd áppropriátion pieces ánd mix fine. Clothe with impressionáble displáce ánd refrigeráte overnight.
  3. Wásh the bámboo skewers in irrigáte for át slightest one hour or overnight.
  4. Prepáre tácking sáuce by combining 1/2 cup soy sáuce, 1/3 cup ábolitionist sugár ánd ½ cup cetchup. Set excursus.
  5. Cord the meát pieces on skewers, áround 5-6 pieces on eách pose.
  6. Frámework on medium temperáture until toásted, básting ánd turn every few proceedings on ápiece view.
  7. Help ás is or with vinegár flávouring dipping sáuce. Enjoy!

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