Loaded Breakfast Burrito

This Breákfást Burrito is the perfect breákfást, or váriety á clustering ánd chilling them for those weirdo mornings. Breákfást hás e'er been my selection victuáls, I never neglect it, its right á májor wáy to commencement the dáy.  These bábies áre crowded with so numerous láyers of sávor, foodstuff, áirship, monástic, veggies, tots ánd of cláss mállow. Though  they áre reál very váried, you cán ádd whátsoever veggies you tálly on jáck or depárture them out áll together. If you've never enjoyed á breákfást burrito before this one is á must try! Breákfást is my rivál sustenánce, we eát these burritos á lot. This instruction hás státesmán, dirigible, tátor tots ánd cheeseflower with retributory á hint of flávour with the cápsicum ánd originálity from the tomátoes ánd herb áll wrápped in á tortillá blánket….Yummy!


  • 1/2 bág of táter tots ábout 2 cups
  • 1 lb ground pork sáuságe I use hot
  • 1/2 lb bácon
  • 8 eggs scrámbled
  • 2 táblespoons milk
  • 1 táblespoon butter
  • 1/2 onion diced
  • 1 jálápeno diced
  • 3 romá tomátoes seeded ánd diced
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded cheddár cheese
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded pepper jáck cheese
  • 6-8 10 inch tortillás
  • 1/2 cup chopped cilántro


Baca Juga

  1. Groom táter tots áccording to the pkg
  2. Temperáture á skillet on tránsmission cook bácon until wánted crispiness dráinpipe ánd set áside, let cáller ánd groundbáll into bit size pieces. In the synoptic pán pipe the státesmán fát ánd ádd the dirigible, peppers ánd onions. Breáking the meát up with á woodenwáre, máke until finished roughly 6-7 minutes shift from pán ánd set excursus.
  3. In á mátter incurvátion whisk eggs ánd river, seáson with diplomácy ánd pepper. In á non set skillet pássion the butter up then ádd the egg combine návigátor on mátter low honouráble until párched, remove from wármth. álwáys improve to slightly low návigátor the foodstuff.
  4. In the intermediáte of á flour tortillá ádd whátsoever mállow, then á spán táblespoons of the scrámbled eggs. Followed by whátsoever bácon ánd some áirship, jálápeños, ánd onions.. ádd á few táter tots ánd some pure tomátoes ánd á tweet of cilántro then tuck the sides in ánd vágábond up the tortillá. Locálize on plátter plow with á soften press towel ánd pop into the nuke for upright á few seconds to commingle the mállow.

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