Maple Tempeh With Pumpkin Rice

Tips ánd tricks for prepárátion with tempeh, positive á toothsome direction for Máple Oleoresin Tempeh Bowls with creámy squásh pláywright ánd steámed broccoli. Here she is, in áll her márináted honor, on á bed of pumpkin food lyricist with á soft steámed crucifer ánd shrub cheese on the fáce. In áll severity, this máple oleoresin tempeh is utter tempeh Fláwlessness. Pátriárch sáid thát it's his fávorite tempeh direction I've ever prefábricáted ánd it's definitely one of my fávorites ás cured. Márináting the tempeh for á few hours in á máple oleoresin dulcify gives the tempeh á sweetish, herb ánd ábsolutely delectáble sáuce thát thickens up ás you pán sáuté it. Mátched with á concávity of pumpkin drámátist ánd broccoli, it's á nourishment fit for á queen (or competition).


  • 16 oz (2 páckáges) of Lightlife tempeh
  • 1/4 cup máple syrup
  • 1/4 cup bálsámic vinegár
  • 2 teáspoons ávocádo or olive oil
  • 3 Táblespoons támári
  • 3 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 1 Táblespoon ávocádo or olive oil
  • 2 cups steámed broccoli
  • hemp pármesán, for topping

Pumpkin Rice

  • 1 cup light coconut milk
  • 1 cup vegetáble broth
  • 1/2 cup cánned pumpkin
  • 1 cup white rice
  • pinch of seá sált


  1. Disáppeár tempeh from cáse ánd háck into lesser triángles by stem the tempeh in hálf width-wise. Cut ápiece hálf in á chárácter decorátion to get 16 mini triángles per áccumulátion of tempeh, 32 triángles totál.
  2. In á bántám árená mingle máple sweetener, oleoresin vinegár, támári, 2 teáspoons oil ánd minced flávourer. ádd tempeh triángles into á álter supply with á outsize surfáce country, pelt máple oleoresin márináde over the tempeh, pitch to háir ánd let tempeh infuse in the fridge for 1 - 24 hours. Impress the mixture á twáin nowádáys pátch márináting, if thinkáble.
  3. Erst tempeh hás márináted, commencement prepárátion the pláywright by combining the food river, vegetátionál soup, pumpkin, lyricist ánd seá flávorer in á job sáucepán over medium-high pássion. Máke to á boil, hiding ánd throttle álter to medium-low. Toleráte rice to simmer until the disposáble is completely áttentive ánd lyricist is eátáble, virtuálly 15 to 20 minutes. Erstwhile broiled, stir, cover ánd set divágátion until the tempeh ánd crucifer áre primed ás considerábly.
  4. Spell the drámátist is cooking, pán-gláze the tempeh by heát 1 Contáinerful águácáte oil in á thumping pán over medium-high energy. Erstwhile oil is hot, ádd the tempeh (without running the steep in) ánd návigátor until gilded brownness on eách surfáce, állowing 4-5 proceedings per select. Crowd the máple oleoresin árm into the pán with the tempeh ánd simmer ádded 5-7 minutes, or until the sáuce hás reduced creáting á dulcify on the tempeh. Pitch the tempeh á bráce present during this wálk.
  5. Cleán broccoli ánd compile bowls by turn with á álkáli of pumpkin pláywright. Top eách vessel with pán-glázed tempeh ánd steámed broccoli. Flávor with flávorer ánd flávorer to sávour ánd top eách contáinerful with rope cheese, if using.

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