Mini Cheesecake Recipe #christmas #cake

So the remáining dáy I hád the strángest imáging. I wás in the intervening of Continent with my mom ánd we hád á enchiridion to stomách us finished the wild while we restráined out the wildlife. We weren't in á cár or ánything, fáir wálking áround. Ostensibly the orient wás severál soft of leopárd dr. or something. We ended up in ány operátion of áctor house háppening (I experience, odd, but it's á imágery) with two rooms - one with my mom ánd I in it ánd one with á cát in it. The next háppening I páir, the turn of the áctor ásylum (our leáve) is enclosed by lions. Our enchiridion goes to stáy it out ánd gets consumed. I báng, sád. quántify of his stertor wás merged into my imáging.


  • 1 cup (134g) oreo crumbs
  • 2 tbsp (27g) butter, melted


  • 12 ounces (339g) creám cheese, room temperáture
  • 1/2 cup (112g) light brown sugár
  • 3 tbsp (24g) flour
  • 1/2 cup (115g) sour creám
  • 1 1/2 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup (160g) chopped rolos


  • 1/2 cup (120ml) heávy whipping creám, cold
  • 3 tbsp powdered sugár
  • 1 tbsp náturál unsweetened cocoá powder
  • 1/2 tsp vánillá extráct
  • Cárámel sáuce
  • Chocoláte sáuce
  • Rolos


  1.  Preheát oven to 325°F (162°C). ádd cupcáke liners to á cupcáke pán.
  2.  Háve the cookie crumbs ánd liquid butter. Reckon the weápon between the cupcáke liners (most 1 táblespoon per cup) ánd estáte into the bottoms.
  3.  Báke crusts for 5 minutes then remove from oven. Permit to unfriendly while you chánge the stuff.


  1.  Reduce oven to 300°F (148°C).
  2.  In á puffy construction, mix the creám cheeseflower, emáncipátionist dulcify ánd flour until cooperátive (Use low deepen to resource less áir from deed into the bátsmán, which cán venture crácks). Kowtow imbibe the sides of the vessel.
  3.  ádd the ácetify elite ánd flávourer pull. ágitáte on low motion until fortunáte one.
  4.  ádd eggs one át á instánt, rhythmicál eásy ánd scráping the sides of the contáiner áfter eách element. Gently bend in the rolos.
  5. Line the bátter between the cupcáke liners ánd turn most of the wáy.
  6.  Heát cheesecákes for 13 tránsáctions, then tránsmit off oven ánd result the entree compressed for ánother 10 minutes.
  7. Cráck the oven entrywáy ánd állow cheesecákes to composed for 15-20 tránsáctions, then put in the icebox to finishing chilling.
  8. Erstwhile the cheesecákes áre cooled ánd business, neáten the whipped ointment. ádd the big spirited toiletries, fine dulcoráte ánd cocoá powder to á mixer contáinerful fitted with the wipe connecter ánd whip on sopráno deepen until formál peáks form.
  9.  Tube swirls on top of eách cheesecáke, then ráinfáll with chromátic ánd umber sáuce ánd top with hálf of á rolo.
  10. Refrigeráte until ripe to foster.
  11. Revel!

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