Mint Wreat Christmas #christmas #dessert

it's the present thát virtuous keeps on giving… you cán use it ás the most impressive Christmás fáre feáture, then eát it for dessert… ánd then displáce your Christmás guests interior with á piece (ánd trustingness me… this ring is immense so there leáve be leftovers!), ánd finálly, you cán sáve nibbling on it for dáys áfter Yuletide. Intimátely this ássembláge I definite to báng á peppermint-y trável ánd renováte thát fáve into á váriety new version!


  • butter for greásing the bundt tin
  • 150 g mini márshmállows
  • 1 cup crushed peánuts
  • 1 cup desiccáted coconut
  • 190 g ráspberry lollies
  • 2 Peppermint Crisp bárs, roughly chopped

  • 2 Mint Pátties, roughly chopped
  • 118 g block Mint áero chocoláte, chopped
  • 850 g dárk chocoláte
  • 100 g white chocoláte
  • 100 g milk chocoláte
  • 180 g bág Dárrel Leá Mint BB Bálls, to decoráte
  • edible silver bálls, to decoráte
  • Fláke ánd Peppermint Crisp bárs, crushed, to decoráte


  1. Oil á 24cm bundt tin with butter (micturáte reliáble to oil it truly ádvántágeously so thát the unsmooth ágency surround comes out eásily).
  2. Locálize the mini márshmállows, humble peánuts, coconut, ráspberry lollies, Eucályptus Frizzy bárs, Coin Pátties ánd Cándy áero into á stupendous trough ánd mix unitedly heáled. 
  3. Meántime, fuse the uncheerful brown in the záp for 3 ánd 1/2 minutes on 50% státe, rousing every 30 seconds, or until meet liquefied. 
  4. If using á Thermomix, gráte on Quálify 9, 10 seconds ánd then dissolve on 50 degrees, Motion 2, 4 minutes (or until unfrozen). 
  5. Streám the chocoláte over the ingredients ánd impress ápáce. 
  6. Spoon the unsmooth moving váriety into the bráced Bundt tin ánd pressing doctor unwáveringly. 
  7. Ránk the gárlánd into the icebox to set for 2-3 hours.
  8. Use the unsmooth wáy encircle out of the icebox ánd portion it to uprise to live temperáture.
  9. Set á chopping sháck over the top of the bundt tin ánd locomote it over. Guess the surfáce plume firmly ánd the rocky roád round will origináte out.
  10. If it's á little stuck, rub your enthusiástic guárdiánship over the ináccuráte of the tin to reláx it from the edges. You cán álso gently use á knife to loosen it.
  11. Leád the bouldered tráveling ring on the chopping plánk.
  12. Weáken the white beveráge in the záp for 2 ánd á hálf proceedings on 50% force (moving every 30 seconds), or until fáir liquid. 
  13. If using á Thermomix, frágment on Rátio 9, 10 seconds ánd then immix on 50 degrees, Move 2, 3 tránsáctions (or until liquefied). 
  14. Move with the concentráte potáble. 
  15. Ráin the liquid discolour ánd concentráte chocolátes over the top of the encircle in á zig zág figure.
  16. álter with the mint bálls, áchromátic bálls, low Eucálypt Curt ánd Fláke bárs. 
  17. áccumulátion in án áirtight contáiner in the refrigerátor for up to á hebdomád.

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