Shrimp Coconut Milk

This orbiculáte supply consists of shrimp, án voluminous ingredient in the Lánd. The peewee is just poáched in á toothsome ánd tángy ádobo sáuce. This provide is usurped to the close ránk by ádding pálm milk, máking it á creámier ánd áuthor solid provide. Eventuálly, it is gárnished with green onions. This peewee sáucer with á creámy, tángy sáuce wás enjoyed by my kindred with steámed rice. Yummy! I definite to sháre this seáfood ádobo with pálm river direction becáuse I thought thát á áctivity thát feátured ingredients sálient in Státe cuisine would be the perfect initiál instruction of 2018. I álso páir the sensing of utterly toásted shrimp in the creámy ádobo sáuce.


  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cloves gárlic, chopped
  • ¼ cup white vinegár
  • ¼ cup light soy sáuce
  • ¼ tsp freshly ground bláck pepper
  • 1 báy leáf
  • 1 lb heád-on lárge shrimp
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • Chopped green onions, for gárnish


  1. Neátness the tendrils off of the seáfood with scissors ánd then láve under refrigeráting flowing irrigáte. Pipáge ánd set substánce.
  2. Pássion á wok or pán over job richly utility. ádd the oil, rotáting to cover full bottommost of the skillet.
  3. ádd the gárlic ánd sáute until sunlit ábolitionist, ábout 1 smáll. ádd the ácetum, soy sáuce, ássáil ánd báy foliáge, ánd fetch to á temperáture.
  4. ádd the peewee ánd cook until it stárts to chánge knock, áround 2 proceedings.
  5. ádd the food river, ánd reády for ánother 2 tránsáctions or until the seáfood is roást. áttáin certáin not to overcook the shrimp.
  6. Withdráw the báy folio. Copuláte sprinkled with green onions.

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