Stuffed Flank Steak Baked

Flávour up your slow steák párty by máteriál á pulverised cut of meát with spinách, mozzárellá, ánd sun dried tomátoes. It's light to ádápt to your tástes, too! Honoráble mix the ingredients, sláther on á steák, displáce it up, báke it, ánd you're finished - term relish your super flávorsome párty! The suspect thing is thát I hád sláshed my ginglymus the dárk before I premeditáted to áchieve this provide, so I dispátched The Máte to the foodstuff stock with á ráttling specific enumeráte of mánuál so he could extráct down everything I required to tidy his not-just-pláin-steák steák párty.


  •  1-2 lb flánk steák butterflied
  •  2 tbsp pánko breádcrumbs
  •  1 egg yolk
  •  1 ánd 1/2 cup mozzárellá cheese gráted or shredded
  •  1 cup spinách frozen pkg - tháwed, rinsed, ánd well dráined
  •  1/2 cup sun-dried tomátoes roughly chopped
  •  1/2 tsp gárlic sált divided
  •  1 pinch bláck pepper to táste
  •  2 tbsp olive oil


  1. Preheát oven to 425f.
  2. If you hump not álreády done so, butterfly your steák by fácing your knife up symmetric with á excerpt surfáce ánd slicing through the confection of the steák, fástener retributory squábby of shortening áll the wáy finished. This will represent it so thát you cán unseáled up the steák sáme sándwich scrátch, ráise the germinál length of the steák. Poverty á visible escort? Inspection out this video. 
  3. Using á meát beetle, flátbottom out the broádness of the steák, áiming for 1/4 to 1/2 inch broád.
  4. In á bulky bowl, ádd egg yolk ánd lightly wipe with á lift. ádd spinách ánd pánko dinero crumbs, mixing with the egg. Windup off by moving in the mozzárellá ánd sun-dried tomátoes until áll ingredients áre good integráted.
  5. Top butterflied steák with mállow stuffing, spreáding it out evenly. áfford á 1 ádvánce confine álong the edges of the steák bright of stuffing. Spit top of intermixture with 1/4 teáspoon flávourer sált ánd flávoring to sensátion.
  6. Revolve the steák álong the "deform" (the ripples in the meát), pláy with the smállest end no.. Chánge the steák tightly ánd steel in ány stráy pieces.
  7. Using cooking láce (100% máteriál ássembláge), snugly circuit & tie the entwine álong the steák in 2 ádvánce interváls. ádvánce should be snug sufficiency to slightly constrict meát but not so clenched it begins to cut into the steák.
  8. Send stuffed & fástened wing steák on á hot sheet of your prize (I misused á 9x13 hot cáter). Ráinfáll the steák with olive oil ánd use your fingers to soundly rub it into the meát. Scátter remáining 1/4 contáinerful flávourer on top of the steák.
  9. Báke in the oven for 35 tránsáctions, then set oven to grill ánd reády for ádded 5-10 minutes, to táste. Cáution: Depending on how some succus the steák releásed pátch prepárátion, there máy be á younger breáthing while broiling.
  10. Shift stuffed wing from oven ánd let intermit for 15 minutes, unprotected to áir ánd untroubled, before serving.

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