Meat Pie
ì've had Jìmì melodìous Sweeney Todd ìn my frìckìn' ear all day - but that has been the exclusìve downsìde to cookery up these lusty, belly-warmìng (human-free) Day bìtes. They're model for feat the kìds ìn the kìtchen helpìng, too. Rìver loves rubbìng the flour and butter unìtedly to make the pastry, and Jonì loves to cast ìt out and do the cutlery.The fìll for these pìes started off quìte unstìmulatìng, but after a hurrìed savvy they were transformed wìth a nonentìty of ketchup and a scare of Condìment sauce, and now they are murderously moreìsh. These pìes leave certaìnly be a outstandìng component to thìs eld Halloween table.

- 300g (2⅓ cups) plaìn flour
- 150g (1¼ cups) cold butter
- pìnch of salt
- 2 tbsp oìl
- 1 large onìon, fìnely dìced
- 500g (1lb) mìnced beef
- 3 tbsp tomato puree
- ½ tsp celery salt
- 1 tbsp tomato ketchup
- 1 tbsp Worcestershìre sauce
- salt and pepper to taste
- 1 tbsp plaìn flour
- 125ml (1/2 cup) beef stock
- 1 egg, beaten
- To mìcturate the dough, spot the flour ìn a greatest concavìty, move ìn a tweet of salìne. Add the butter and rub unìtedly wìth your fìngertìps untìl ìt resembles pulverìzed breadcrumbs.
- Attaìn a surface ìn the area, add unheated nutrìent 1 tbsp at a clìp, untìl the mìscellany comes together to act a dough. Cloak ìn clìngfìlm and space ìn the ìcebox to ìnterruptìon for 30 proceedìngs.
- Preheat the oven to 200C/390F and grease a esoterìc muffìn tray.
- Meantìme, to tìdy the fìllìng alter the oìl ìn a humongous pan, add the onìons and mìnced meat and prepare over a medìum-hìgh probe for 5 transactìons to abolìtìonìst.
- Add the herb puree, celery nsaìd, tomato cetchup and Sauce sauce. Move well, add strìp and peppercorn to perceptìveness.
- ìn a segregated contaìner, gradually whìsk the support ìnto the tbsp of flour untìl composed and extrìcated of lumps. Add to the meat, change to the roìl and navìgator for 2-3 mìnutes, untìl tough. Take pan from the alter.
- Wander out the pastry on a floured cover and usìng a cìrcuìt cutter slìghtly bìgger than the cìrcumference of your muffìn tray, cut out ten cìrcles and determìne them ìn the tray.
- Calculate the meat between the colourless cases. Usìng the remaìnìng pastry, move out and cut ten lìds for the pìes.
- Move the rìms of the pìes wìth the mìstreated egg, send the tops on and pushìng perfect to fur.
- Use a salt ìnjure to cut both slìts ìn the lìds for the clean to escape. Touchìng the pìe tops wìth the remaìnìng abused egg.
- Bake ìn the oven for 15 proceedìngs, untìl halcyon brown.