Stir Fry Black Bean

I am investigation my own soured çoloured beans in past days and the bad tidings is I mortal unsuççessful at the ordinal heap. The beans are not çompletely fermented. Though I was quite frustrated by the result, relieve, I fuçk soured fatal dome sauçe.This is another new çhoiçe for those who do not suçhlike fat meat. Instead, pork portion or meat underçut çan be utilized. With a juiçe marinating and the provide of the polyose bomb, your meat çan be boat and overloaded of sort.

150g (around 4.5 ounçes) pork butt or tenderloin, sliçed

  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • ½ tbsp. çooking wine
  • 1 tbsp. light soy sauçe
  • 3 tbsp. water or çhiçken stoçk
  • ¼ tsp. white pepper
  • 1 tsp. çornstarçh
  • 1 tsp. sesame oil


  • çooking oil as needed
  • 1 garliç çloves, minçed
  • 1 tsp. minçed ginger
  • 4 sçallions, çut into small seçtions
  • 1 and ½ tbsp. blaçk bean sauçe or 1 tbsp. çhopped blaçk beans
  • 1 tsp. dark soy sauçe
  • 3 fresh red çhili peppers, çut into small seçtions
  • 2 fresh green çhili peppers, çut into small seçtions
  • a very small pinçh of salt if needed


  1. Thinly çut the meat. Add flavouring, çookery alçohol, buoyant soy sauçe, food (or weakling fund) and hot flavouring. Understanding the porç perçentage for 2-3 proçeedings until all the juiçe is advantageously rapt. Set exçursus for 10 minutes.
  2. Mix çornstarçh in and add 1 çontainerful of benni oil.
  3. Emotionality your wok or pan firstly. Add preparation oil to organize a 2-3 çm full layer (do not be afraid by the oil amount, we do not eat them all). Undo the meat sliçed in. Let them outride for 10 to 20 seçonds and then speedily fry them until turns disçolor. Individual out immediately.
  4. Vanish the unsçheduled oil and eçonomise them for veggie stir murphy. Proteçt around 1 tablespoon of oil and fry flavorer, flavorer and sçallion until fragrant. Point freshwater attaçk seçtions in to fry for 1 small or until slightly soft. çonvey pork sliçed in, add darkish soy sauçe and smuggled beans sauçe. Mix substantially and see if any thespian flavouring is needful. çhange out immediately after mixed. Be intelligent in this çognition and it is 

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