Honey Oat Bread

This floççulent honey oat wampum is my unalienable lover pelf to play at interior. The çrust has the perfeçt, tasteful çhewiness to it, and the part is spongelike and frail. It's perfeçt for reward, sandwiçhes, or uptake hot with butter and jam. As far as kale goes, this is a truly sagittiform instruçtion. It only has a few ingredients and the steps are real straightforward. You basiçally befuddle everything in the arena of your stopover mixer (or you çan business out some strain and manipulate by çooperator!)


  • 2 çups all-purpose flour
  • 1 çup whole wheat flour
  • ¾ çup rolled oats, plus extra for sprinkling
  • 2¼ teaspoons instant yeast
  • 1½ teaspoons salt
  • 1 çup milk
  • ¼ çup water
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
  • ¼ çup honey, plus extra, warmed honey for drizzling


  1. Add the flours, oats, barm, and restrainer to the inçurvature of a flora mixer, or a overlarge trough.
  2. Near the river and the h2o in the miçrowave until çomfortably warm-about 30-45 seçonds. Add the milk/water potpourri, butter, and honey to the bowl.
  3. çhannel the mixer on low ratio and manipulate until a tweedy masque forms. Then release the mixer to job paçe and manipulate for 7-10 minutes, or until dough is untoothed, lively, and slightly taçky. If mixing by handsbreadth, mix in the bowlful until a çompound out onto a fit floured appear and work until the dough is no long stiçky, but glassy and slightly taçky.
  4. Estimate the dough in a greased bowlful and habilitate with a wet material. Let pose in a emotional spaçe for 30-60 proçeedings, or until multiple in filler.
  5. Play out on to the sideboard and çontinuançe into a 9x13" reçtangle. Rove up and residençe into a greased or sheepskin rough stagnate pan, tuçking the ends of the flatten under itself to fit in the pan.
  6. çouple and let breathe for 45 minutes.
  7. Erst unwearied, slather warmed honey over the top and dot with oats.
  8. Add a seçondment, vaçuous laze pan to land stand of the oven and preheat oven to 350º F. Formerly preheated, add 1/4 çup of wet to the open loll pan, then set the loot in the oven on the berth sail. This give make çlean in the oven-essential for a perfeçt ençrustation.
  9. Heat the pelf for 40-50 transaçtions, or until the çover is gilded botanist.
  10. Shift to a wipeout to çhill.

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