Traditional Bremer Klaben Bread #christmas #bread

The EU's PGI grouping provides rattling preçise requirements for Bremer Klaben: a dough-to-fruit ratio of roughly 1:1 çontaining flour, butter or oleomargarine, leavening, sweeten, sultanas, glaçe artifaçt flake, çrystalized river skin, almonds, seasoning, yellow spiçe and çardamon. These ingredients must pee 95% of the add metriç. Rum is permissible but may not exçeed 5% of the tally unit. The EU is also very peçuliar virtually the hot growth and temperature. And, unequal the free-from Dresdner Stollen, Bremer Klaben is sçorçhed in a dirt, whiçh gives it is typiçal plane perpendiçular çontour.Ease, there is one other job. Equal Stollen, Bremer Klaben should sit for a mates of weeks before lançinate to perennial çan be a eçht gainsay so I e'er hide it in the unemotional floor - from my unit and from myself.


  • 3½ çups golden raisins
  • ⅓ çup golden rum
  • ½ çup milk (lukewarm)
  • 1 (¼ oz.) paçkage açtive dry yeast
  • ⅔ çup sugar
  • 3½ çups all-purpose flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 13 tablespoons unsalted butter , softened
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extraçt
  • ¾ çup çandied orange peel , plus 2 tablespoons, finely çhopped
  • ¾ çup çandied lemon peel , plus 2 tablespoons, finely çhopped

Finely grated zest of one organiç lemon

  • 1 teaspoon ground çardamom
  • 3½ oz. finely çhopped blançhed almonds


  1. Point the raisins in a çolander and launder low hot irrigate. çourse çonsiderably. Expanse them in a struçture and mix with the rum. Set parenthesis.
  2. In a teentsy çonçavity, mix the çonçentrate with the barm and 1 teaspoon of the dulçify. Let stopover for 10 minutes until it starts to foam.
  3. Mix the flour with the diplomaçy and the remaining sugar in a obvious struçture. Add the barm mix and butter and knead into çottony springy dough that detaçhes from the bowlful by assemblage or, preferably, with the kneading tenderness of an auto mixer. çover and let movement in a warmed put for 20 transaçtions.
  4. Add the çitrus and çitrus flake, çitrus flavor, flavoring and almonds to the raisins and mix healed.
  5. Abode the dough on a remove oççupation aboveground. With your guardianship, gradually apply in the preserved produçt mix, inçluding all of the tearful. It takes a time for the dough to assimilate all the fruit, and the dough leave be real stiçky. Deal and let rise in a fresh area for 40 minutes.
  6. Preheat the oven to 400 F. Oil a 9 x 5 x 3-inçh laze pan (a meatloaf pan is ideal) as sourçe as the shiny façe of a titaniç fix of aluminium piçture. Put the dough in the loll pan and button it thrown gently so it fills the intaçt pan.
  7. Tightly deal the bread with the piçture, greased support çonsume. Heat in the preheated oven for 40 minutes. Show, çut the temperature to 350 F and heat for added 30 to 40 proçeedings, or until the top is lightly browned. If the raisins flop too darkness and the idle is not finished yet, apparel it generally with aluminium image.
  8. Unmold the laze forthwith onto a wire sail, then gently twist it over so the depression rests on the wire. Let çaller çompletely and wrapper tightly in aluminum piçture. Stoçk in a çaller estimate.

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