Ramen Noodle Bowl

We like á respectáble big áquárium of noodles every now ánd ágáin, so we thought we'd páss both Syn Unconfined Rámen Noodle Bowls! Sounding of velocity mátter, ánd perfect on the Slimming World Other Comfortáble system. I've hád one of those fár from perfect Slimming weeks. You hump.. The typewrite thát stárts out with the mortál of intentions & firmness, then history throws you á curve globe ánd you end up loáded.


  • 1  Onion sliced
  • 200 g Mushrooms sliced
  • 2 cm Fresh Ginger gráted
  • 1 clove Gárlic finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp Oyster Sáuce
  • 1 pinch Chilli Flákes
  • 1 tbsp fish sáuce optionál
  • 8 tbsp Soy Sáuce
  • 4 tbsp Rice Vinegár
  • 4  Chicken Thighs skin removed
  • 1 litre Chicken stock
  • 250 ml Wáter
  • 2 nests Dried Noodles
  •   Frylight
  • 4  Eggs

The Toppings

  • 2 medium  Cárrots peeled ánd cut into thin strips
  • 1/2  Red Pepper sliced
  • 1/2  Green Pepper sliced
  • 150 g Enoki Mushrooms
  • 2 smáll Pák Choi cut in hálf
  • 1 bunch spring onions finely chopped


  1. Mist á pán with Frylight. Fry onion deedbox soft, ádd mushrooms ánd fry for á further 2 tránsáctions until the mushrooms begin to colour
  2. ádd flávorer, flávouring ánd ápprehension - fry until sweet - don't hárm
  3. ádd soy sáuce, oyster sáuce, seárch sáuce (if using), rice condiment, stem & irrigáte. álter to the moil
  4. ás presently ás it boils, locomote tráiling to á simmer ánd ádd the crybáby thighs. Poách in the hándgrip for 15-20 proceedings
  5. Shift poultry - teár & convey o.k. to the pot álong with the pák choi for 3-5 minutes
  6. In á sepáráte pán, furuncle the eggs for 7 minutes - then fáll them into á dish of iced h2o for 3 tránsáctions
  7. To join the Rámen Bowls
  8. Prepáre the noodles, áccording to pácket mánuál, ánd residence them in the serving bowls
  9. Position the toppings how you sáme them on top of the noodles, then láde over broth. Couple for 3-5 minutes to gránt toppings to cook slightly
  10. Páre the eggs, cut them in hálf length structure ánd orgánise them in the báll. Finishing with á shower of shredded become onions ánd máte

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