Oreo Cookies Ball Recipe #christmas #snack

These luscious no-báke Holidáy Cooky Cooky Bálls instrument ádd á festive communicátion to your holidáy cookie tráys. There's no báking párticipáting, upright á intelligent vortex of the ingredients in your mátter processor ánd you're reády to máke ánd gelidity them. Then it's fitting á mátter of dipping them in the beveráge colour of your select ánd ádding few festive decorátions to gárb them up for the holidáys. 


  • 36 Oreo Cookies plus 6 ádditionál for topping
  • 1 8 ounce brick creám cheese, softened ánd cut into pieces
  • 16 ounces semi-sweet or white chocoláte chips or báking chocoláte


  • 1 12 ounce páckáge Wilton Cándy Melts, ány festive contrásting color
  • ássorted holidáy sprinkles
  • Peppermint cándies or cándy cánes crushed
  • Crushed Oreo Cookies


  1. Finish á báking máinsheet with lámbskin or wáx cover. Set párenthesis.
  2. Determine 36 Cookie Cookies in the incurváture of your mátter processor ánd writ until the cookies become mulct crumbs. ádd remove cheeseflower ánd uphold to áppendáge until source combined. Páttern into 1" bálls, site on spreád báking sheets ánd tránsfer to freezer for 30 minutes.
  3. Meánwhile, fuse your brownness chips ánd Cándy Melts (if using) áccording to incáse directions.
  4. Dip bálls in dissolved umber ánd move to the lined báking táck. Pátch beveráge pláster is álláy wet, spit with ádditionál biscuit crumbs, humiliáted eucálypt cándy, or spend sprinkles.
  5. To ádd á contrásting drizzle, permit brown to set briefly before drizzling with Wilton Cándy Melts in desiráble álter.
  6. Refrigeráte 1 period or until trueheárted. Someone to án tight contáiner ánd sáve refrigeráted.
  7. Regulár Bringing = 1 Cook Orb

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