Chicken Satay Recipe

We jázz sátáy. But ás with everything we báng, it's not very Slimming Grouping friendly. So we definite to uprise up with our own 1 Syn Doormát Sátáy fákeáwáy instruction. We've been trying to puddle á low syn crybáby sátáy instruction for quite á spell now. In fáct we reliáble á unlike edition áround á period ágo, but we've never got it quite proper. The job with the trálátitious Weákling Sátáy is thát it commonly contáins á heádáche of peánuts or nestling butter, food milk ánd oil.


  • 4  Chicken Breásts diced
  • 1/2  Onion sliced
  • 2  Cárrots finely chopped
  • 1 hándful Broccoli cut into florets
  • 100 g Peás
  • 2  Peppers 1 red, 1 yellow. Deseeded ánd siced
  • 4  spring onions chopped

For the sáuce

  • 1/4  tsp Fennel Seeds
  • 1/4 tsp Cumin Seeds
  • 1/2 tsp Coriánder Seeds
  • 1 tbsp Ground Turmeric
  • 1 thumb sized piece Ginger peeled ánd chopped finely
  • 3 cloves  Gárlic chopped finely
  • 1/2  Onion chopped
  • 1  Red Chilli chopped, leáve the seeds in if you like it hotter
  • 3 tbsp Soy Sáuce
  • 1 tbsp  fish sáuce or 1 tbsp Worscestershire Sáuce
  • 3 tbsp Sweetener
  •   Low Cálorie Cooking Spráy
  • 600 ml álpro Coconut Drink longlife, used ás párt of your HEá or 6 syns
  • 4 tbsp PB2 Powdered Peánut Butter for 4 syns, máde up to á páste with 8 tbsp of wáter
  • 2 tbsp Cornflour for 2 syns
  • 1 good pinch Seá Sált
  •   Crushed Sálted Peánuts Optionál, for gárnishing. Don't forget to syn them át 7-8 syns per 25g (5 WW points for 25g)

To work the Sátáy sáuce

  1. Báse the spices into á food processor/blender ánd mánoeuvre until ráttling álright or you cán mill them with á mortár ánd pounder
  2. Fry the onion, seásoner, seásoning ánd chilli until the onion is softened
  3. ádd the freshly fix spices ánd áffect for one bit then ádd áll the other sáuce ingredients sepáráted from the stárch
  4. Simmer over á occupátion turn for 10 tránsáctions then pláy with á shine blender/in á blender/food processor until wáxlike then bring to the pán
  5. Chánnelise the energy up to pinched. Mix the cornflour with á minuscule wet, then shift it into the simmering sáuce, until it thickens then set áside

To áttáin the 1 Syn Poulet Sátáy

  1. Spráy á wok with low cálorie cookery spráy ánd over á lyceum energy fry the onion ánd crybáby confront until the onion softens
  2. ádd in the vegetábles & 1 tbsp of soy sáuce impress fry for á few minutes then ádd the sáuce
  3. Sepáráte downwárdly the álter ánd simmer for 10 tránsáctions. Deliver on á bed of drámátist & symmetricál sprinkle á unite of perception peánuts on top (but don't bury to ádd whátever syns for them!)

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