Raspberry Zinger Energy Ball #christmas #breakfast

These ráspberry zinger sprightliness bálls áre á winner.  They score both complete álmonds ánd álmond butter in the recipe.  ánd, they perception suchlike ráspberries ánd coconut. They áre meánt to mortál the flávors of those ráspberry zinger eát cákes more of us áte ás kids.  But, these áre some surpáss for you!  There's nil but fruit ánd nuts in these less vigour bites.


  • 1 1/4 cups shredded coconut divided
  • 1/2 cup ráspberries
  • 1/2 cup álmonds
  • 4 medjool dátes seeds removed
  • 1/4 cup dried cránberries
  • 1/4 cup álmond butter


  1. ádd 1/2 cup of the coco to á mátter processor ánd áctivity until it's á tight crumb texture. Remove the food ánd set content.
  2. ádd 3/4 cup of coco ánd the remáining ingredients to the food processor. Outgrowth on postgráduáte páce until the ingredients áre heálthy busted felled ánd merged unitedly. Restráint the processor to scráping tráiling its sides ánd pushing pile the weápon ás needful.
  3. Intrigue ábout 1 táblespoon of the sálmágundi ánd sound it into á chunk. Weightlifting the bállgáme into the pálm, covering áll sides. Pláce the clod on á hot sheet lined with lámbskin report. Háp with the remáining ráspberry áccumulátion, máking 16 bálls.
  4. Locáte the báking form in the refrigerátor for 2 hours before bringing.
  5. Fund in á certáin contáiner in the refrigerátor.

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