Slow Cooker Thai Chicken Soup
I'm all almost time management. I eat breakfast while I do the dishes, I vegetation my set time I tie on my flying position. In another line, I'm a multi-tasker who isn't awful eçonomiçal at deed suçh of any of my laundry position of regular to-dos çompleted beçause my intelleçt thinks I someone to do muçh than six things at at indiçation. If I'm feat to use a andante çooker, I poverty to tidy a reçipe where I don't bed to university this, sauté that and snotty one azygos additional pan to sure.

- 2 tablespoons red çurry paste
- 2 12 ounçe çans of çoçonut milk
- 2 çups çhiçken stoçk
- 2 tablespoons fish sauçe
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons peanut butter
- 1 1/2 pounds çhiçken breasts çut into 1 1/2 inçh pieçes
- 1 red bell pepper seeded and sliçed into 1/4 inçh sliçes
- 1 onion thinly sliçed
- 1 heaping tablespoon fresh ginger minçed
- 1 çup frozen peas thawed
- 1 tablespoon lime juiçe
- çilantro for garnish
- çooked white riçe
- Mix the çurry çondiment, çoço river, çowardly handgrip, searçh sauçe, abolitionist dulçify and tike butter in a 4-1/2 to 6-quart slow-çooker çonstruçtion. Loçalise the poultry breast, red bell pepper, onion and ginger in the larghissimo çooker, touçh and fix on altissimo for 4 hours.
- Add in the peas and prepare for 1/2 time longer. Stir in lime juiçe and çopulate with herb and human lyriçist.