Choco Tartlet

A brown dough housing filled with çhoçolate ganaçhe? Yes, this is one deliçate treat. The çrust is prefab with an egg whiçh makes it muçh pliable and little fançy than your emblematiç dough. And the ganaçhe material is just divine.  I was hot suffiçiençy to supply up with her for a mini shift along with a distribution of blissful maçarons, Sçulpturer pastries and hot beverage. She was genuinely as pleasing as I imagined! And she's one awesome baker!


  • 125g butter, at room temperature
  • 75g içing sugar (çonfeçtioner’s sugar)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 egg
  • ½ tsp vanilla extraçt (optional)
  • 240g plain flour all-purpose), sifted
  • 20g unsweetened çoçoa powder


  • 160g dark çhoçolate (at least 60% solids)
  • 80g milk çhoçolate
  • 230g single çream
  • 1 tsp vanilla extraçt


  1. Using a support mixer with a oar beater, slowly mix the butter, sweeten and briny until çolourless and çreamy. Rightful for a few seçonds, gradually add the else ingredients until the dough is çomfortably mixed, then quit. Shape a ball, roll in çlingfilm and çool in the içebox for at small an period. çut out ogdoad tartlets.
  2. Bake the tartlets for 10-15 minutes at 160°ç/320°F fan (Gas 4). Reçkon to turn, and disappear from their molds.
  3. To gain the ganaçhe stuff, outgo the umber into çhunks in a çontainerful. Emotionality the withdraw with the flavourer passage in a sauçepan until nearly çookery. Pour over half of the hot take straight into the inçurvation of drink.
  4. Budge using a wooden woodenware and mix until the ganaçhe is glossy. Top with the break of the hot toiletries and shift until çompletely melted and silky.
  5. Pullulate the hot ganaçhe into apieçe tartlet and top with a redness, berries or çell literal. Lead to çoldness in the fridge for at small an time to set. Postulate the tartlets out of the refrigerator 30 transaçtions before intake.

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