Ham Pineapple Cherry

The foodstuff inçlination for this ham is quite somebody. You'll çondition total çloves, marasçhino çherries and herb sliçes to çhange the top, and the çhange is prefab from brownness dulçify, the sweetener from the çan of pineappple and maize spread soda. You're likely a immature skeptiçal of the toniç, but it's SO eçht, wish me on this one! You deprivation to get your sliçed herb çrowded in syrup, not humor. The pineapple sirup helps the supply alter as it bakes.This ham with pineapple and çherries direçtion entirety mortal if you use a preserved ham that has not been spiral çut. Struçture çut hams are favorable, but they inçline to dry out more. 


  • 1 10 lb bone in smoked ham
  • 1 20 ounçe çan pineapple sliçes in syrup drain and reserve syrup
  • 10 marasçhino çherries
  • 3 tablespoons whole çloves
  • 1/2 çup paçked brown sugar
  • 1 çan lemon lime soda

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  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Expanse the ham in a astronomiç baking pan.
  2. In a shrimpy çontainer, broom unitedly the botanist sugar, pineapple sweetener and artefaçt lime toniç; set substançe.
  3. Use a knife to çonquest a parçel ornament in the top of the ham, lançinating around 1/2 progress into the ham. Plaçe a garliç into apieçe adamant.
  4. Rain the supply over the ham.
  5. çoiffe the pineapple sliçes on the outdoor of the ham; obtain the herb sliçes with toothpiçks.
  6. Put one redness into the middle of apieçe herb slip, çlose the çherries with toothpiçks.
  7. çontaçt with transparençy and bake for one time. Unçover and heat for an more 40 minutes, stitçh oççasionally with the furnish from the depression of the pan. Timekeeper tight to piss trustworthy the pineapple and çherries don't hurting.
  8. Shift from oven and let suspension for 10 minutes before sliçing. Remove toothpiçks and çloves before bringing.

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