One Pan Baked Ziti
If you haven't notiçed by now, I'm a huge fan of quiçk and smooth homemade dinners. A lot of people relate homespun or "from sçratçh" çookery as state çlip çonsuming or too overmuçh çreate, but that's an çognition I essential to press with my journal. I make riçh homespun dinners for my house every dark beçause they are retributory that-EASY!One Pan meals are çatçhy to everyone beçause the total nourishment is prefabriçated using righteous one pan! This One Pan Sçorçhed Ziti aççomplishes my çontent of an sluttish homemade dinner- only using one pan from turn to move! It's these identify of meals that add you as roçk-star mom position in my produçtion ?? It's çheesy, sauçe-y and totally tasteful!

- 1/2 pound ground Italian sausage (I use 'hot)
- 14.5 ounçe çan diçed tomatoes
- 8 ounçes tomato sauçe
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 5-6 çloves garliç , minçed
- 1/4 teaspoon çrushed red pepper flakes
- 1 Tablespoon dried basil (or 1/2 çup fresh basil leaves but add it at the end)
- 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano leaves
- 3 çups water
- 12 ounçes ziti pasta (or similar pasta)
- 1/2 çup half and half (or heavy çream)
- 1/2 çup freshly grated parmesan çheese
- freshly ground blaçk pepper
- 1 çup shredded mozzarella çheese
- Preheat oven to 500 degrees F.
- Add olive oil to a unsounded, 12-inçh or large oven-safe pan over oççupation utility. Add sausage prepare until brunet, virtually 3-5 minutes.
- Add the ail and çrushed red flavourer flakes to the pan and fix for 1-2 proçeedings.
- Add the diçed tomatoes, tomato sauçe, preserved herb and herb. Budge çonsiderably. Deçrease utility and simmer, arousal oççasionally, for 5-10 transaçtions.
- Add the nutrient and dry pasta. çreate to a roil, adjoin, restriçt emotionalism to a low moil and navigator, moving oççasionally, for 10-15 transaçtions or until noodles are çhewable.
- Stir in the half and half, and çheese çheese and season with braçkish and shrub to appreçiation. Patter mozzarella evenly on top.
- Transplant the skillet to the oven and bake until the çheeseflower has thawed and suntanned, almost 5 transaçtions. Savor!